Defers decision on easing delisting, NRI investment norms; introduces framework on fractional real estate ownership
Sebi chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch on Thursday said the markets regulator's board will be discussing potential changes on delisting at its next meeting. Addressing an event organised by industry body Ficci, Buch said the Sebi management will also table changes on insider trading norms before the board either in December or January. "There was a popular belief that we will never review the delisting regulations and we will always stay with the reverse book building process. We have a consultation paper that was floated, we have got a lot of feedback and at the next board meeting we are taking that proposal to our board," Buch said. Similarly, she said it was widely believed that Sebi is "very dogmatic about insider trading" but the regulator has initiated a relook into the same by initiating consultation. All these are part of efforts to "eschew dogma", Buch said, adding that Sebi is focusing on data and backtesting the data to drive regulations. She said the regulator is fine delay
Sebi chairperson says industry will be pleased with the fresh proposal
Market participants say there is a visible change in the momentum of reforms. Some even say they are finding it difficult to keep pace with the changes
Sebi's decisions will improve transparency
Adani-Hindenburg saga may be discussed
Nine out of 10 individual traders in the equity F&O segment incurred net losses during both the years FY 2018-19 and FY 2021-22, according to a study by market regulator SEBI.
The markets regulator Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has carried out nationwide raids targeting front-running carried out by market experts appearing on a business news television channel
The move by SEBI would allow such scores to be assigned to more companies, making it increasingly possible for investors to assess businesses with a yardstick seen to be growing in importance
The regulator has floated a fresh consultation paper proposing provisions for eligibility, disclosures and audit
Sebi's suggestions will reduce information asymmetry
Regulator issues fresh guidelines for unpaid securities
Non-promoter entities in bankruptcy-hit firms to be given opportunity to acquire shares
Number of pending notices was up 31% to 2,872 at the end of FY22, from 2,193 the previous year
Industry players expect companies to advance their DRHP filings before new rules kick in
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) is set to allow confidential pre-filing of offer documents to safeguard sensitive business information
Continuing with its consultative approach, the markets regulator, over the past one year has floated a number of discussion papers in areas such as IPO pricing, retail algo, and pricing of share sales
Capital markets regulator Sebi on Wednesday came out with new guidelines on settlement of running accounts of clients' funds lying with stock brokers, to be applicable from October 1. Under the guidelines, the settlement of the running account of funds of the client will be done by the trading member after considering the End of the day (EOD) obligation of funds as on the date of settlement across all the exchanges on the first Friday of the quarter for all the clients. The running account of funds will be settled on the first Friday of October 2022, January 2023, April 2023, July 2023, and so on for all the clients, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said in a circular. If the first Friday is a trading holiday, then such settlement will happen on the previous trading day. For clients, who have opted for monthly settlement, running accounts will be settled on the first Friday of every month. If the first Friday is a trading holiday, then such settlement will happen
The NSE will now have to obtain shareholders' nod before Chauhan can take charge
Markets regulator Sebi on Friday allowed InvITs and REITs conduct annual meetings of their unitholders and other meetings through video-conferencing and other audio-visual means.