Markets regulator Sebi has introduced industry standards for the minimum information that listed entities are required to provide to the audit committee and shareholders when seeking approval for the related party transactions (RPT). The Industry Standards Forum (ISF) comprising representatives from three industry associations -- ASSOCHAM, CII and FICCI -- have formulated these standards for minimum information to be provided for review of the audit committee and shareholders for approval of RPTs in consultation with Sebi under the aegis of the stock exchanges. The industry associations and stock exchanges will publish these standards on their websites to facilitate a uniform approach and assist listed entities in complying with the requirements, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said in a circular on Friday. The new disclosure requirements will come into effect from April 1, it added. Under Sebi's LODR (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) rules, relate
Sebi on Friday floated a draft circular proposing REITs, InvITs to disclose financial information in their offer documents inline with public issue and listing norms. The proposed revisions focus on financial disclosures in offer documents and continuous compliance requirements post-listing. These changes are based on the recommendations from the Working Group on Ease of Doing Business for REITs and InvITs, inputs from the Indian REITs Association and Bharat InvITs Association, and internal deliberations, Sebi said. Additionally, the regulator proposed that Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs) will be required to disclose combined financial statements for initial public offerings, irrespective of their operational tenure. Further, follow-on offers will need to present audited consolidated financial statements along with links to individual audited reports on their websites, it added. To enhance investor protection, the regulator inten
Sebi on Friday said it has relaxed the timeline for alternative investment funds to hold their investments in dematerialised (demat) form. According to a circular, any investment made by an AIF on or after July 1, shall be held in dematerialised form only, irrespective of whether the investment is made directly in the investee company or is acquired from another entity. However, any investments made prior to July 1, are exempted from the requirement of being held in dematerialised form, except in specific cases, it added. Under the revised framework, the regulator stated that investments made before July 1, must be converted into dematerialised form before October 31. If, the investee company of the AIF has been mandated to facilitate dematerialisation or if the AIF exercises control over the company along with other Sebi-registered entities required to hold investments in demat form, the circular said. The markets watchdog has also granted exemptions to schemes of AIFs whose tenu
Brokerage firm ICICI Securities on Friday settled with markets regulator Sebi a case of alleged violation of stock brokers rules as well as other market norms after paying Rs 80.4 lakh towards settlement fee. The order came after ICICI Securities filed a settlement application in August last year, requesting the regulator for the settlement of the adjudication proceedings under the Sebi's (Settlement Proceedings) rules. "...the instant adjudication proceedings initiated against the applicant (ICICI Securities) vide show cause notice dated June 19, 2024, is disposed of in terms of the Settlement Regulations," Sebi's chief general manager and adjudicating officer N Hariharan said. The case stemmed from a joint inspection conducted by Sebi and NSE in September 2023, covering the period from April to May 2023. The inspection found multiple non-compliances related to margin trading facility (MTF), software issues, and reporting lapses allegedly flouting stock broker rules and other mark
This is the second time since 2022 that the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has sought such powers, with approval from the government still pending
Sebi on Wednesday said it has released the Industry Standards Recognition Manual to provide guidance on the formation and functioning of Industry Standards Fora, which help in implementing regulatory instructions. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) had launched a pilot programme for Industry Standards Fora (ISFs) in July 2023, to develop implementation standards for regulatory guidelines. Initially, the ISFs were set up for listed companies and stock brokers. Based on feedback from market participants and industry bodies, while similar fora were later introduced for other stakeholders, including portfolio managers, custodians, designated depository participants, and alternative investment funds, Sebi said in a release. The market participants found these ISFs useful in facilitating good governance and high quality compliance with regulatory directives but also ensuring ease of compliance, it added. However, the ISFs are operating as pilot programmes, as there are no
The Supreme Court on Wednesday directed Sahara India Commercial Corporation Ltd (SICCL) and SEBI to hold a meeting along with two Mumbai-based property consultants to explore the terms and conditions on which Sahara Group's Versova land could be sold to get maximum value to return investors' money. A bench of Chief Justice Sanjiv Khanna and Justices M M Sundresh and Bela M Trivedi issued notices to the Ministry of Environment and Forests and Maharashtra's chief secretary and sought their responses on the status of Versova plot and clarify whether it was a forest land. "After the last date of hearing, we have had several bidders' proposals for the land at Versova. Mr Shekhar Naphade, who is amicus curiae, has submitted a note before us stating that the Versova plot is mangrove forest area either fully or partially. In these circumstances we deem it appropriate to issue notice to the Ministry of Forests and (Maharashtra) chief secretary who shall inform this court about status of the .
Sebi on Wednesday issued a draft circular proposing amendments to its margin pledge system to prevent the possible misuse of clients' securities by brokers. These changes aim to enhance transparency and reduce systemic risks associated with clients' securities. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has invited public comments on the draft circular 'Margin obligations to be given by way of Pledge/re-pledge in the depository system' by March 4. The regulator noted that brokers have not been selling clients' securities invoked under the margin pledge system on the same day, resulting in the accumulation in brokers' demat accounts. This accumulation may lead to a potential misutilisation of clients' securities, prompting the need for regulatory intervention. Under the proposed changes, Sebi intends to introduce a mechanism where clients' securities, upon invocation, will be blocked for early pay-in within the client's demat account. This move will reduce the chances of brok
Sebi on Wednesday introduced a new digital platform, MITRA, to assist investors in tracking and reclaiming inactive or unclaimed mutual fund folios. The objective of the platform, Mutual Fund Investment Tracing and Retrieval Assistant, is to encourage investors to search for forgotten MF investments and update KYC as per the current norms. In a circular, Sebi said the platform addresses a growing concern wherein investors, over time, lose track of their mutual fund investments lack of updated contact information, or unawareness of investments made in their name. Such inactive folios may become susceptible to fraudulent redemptions, it added. "In order to address the concerns, MITRA platform is developed by the RTAs to provide investors with a searchable database of inactive and unclaimed mutual fund folios at an industry-level which will empower the investors," the regulator said. According to the circular, MITRA will allow investors to identify the overlooked investments or any
Wadia group firm National Peroxide on Tuesday settled with capital markets regulator Sebi a case pertaining to the alleged violation of disclosure lapses after paying Rs 9.4 lakh in settlement amount. The order came after National Peroxide Ltd filed an application in November last year with Sebi proposing to settle the instant proceedings initiated against it, without "admitting or denying the findings of facts and conclusions of law". "...the instant adjudication proceedings initiated against the noticee (National Peroxide Ltd) vide SCN dated September 10, 2024, is disposed of in terms of the settlement regulations," Sebi's adjudicating officer Asha Shetty said in the order. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) had initiated adjudication proceedings against National Peroxide Ltd for the alleged violation of scheme of arrangement dated June 20, 2023, under the LODR (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) rules. Thereafter, the markets watchdog issued a show ca
Guardrails set to defend against ambiguity and strengthen compliance
To strengthen corporate governance at listed firms, Sebi has proposed a revised format for annual secretarial compliance report, eligibility criteria for the appointment of auditors and inclusion of monetary thresholds for Related Party Transactions (RPTs) approvals. These proposals are aimed at ensuring that listed entities maintain high standards of compliance and transparency in their dealings. In its consultation paper, Sebi has proposed changes to improve the format and content of the Annual Secretarial Compliance Report (ASCR), aiming for more explicit confirmation of compliance with securities law. The suggestions have been made for exemptions related to corporate governance certifications and secretarial auditor reports when ASCR is attached to the annual report. The proposals include better enforcement mechanisms and making the ASCR a mandatory part of the annual report. On specifying eligibility criteria for the appointment of statutory auditors, the regulator has propose
Sebi has ordered the attachment of bank accounts as well as shares and mutual fund holdings of 10 individuals to recover Rs 1.25 crore, saying they have not complied with the regulator's investigation in the matter of Eros International Media Ltd. The recovery proceedings were initiated against these 10 individuals -- Gourab Ray Chaudhuri, Manisha Kumari Singh, Vinod Kumar Agarwal, Sutapa Mukherjee, Sumit Bhoot, Abhishek Das, Dev Govind Binani, Debosmita Ghosh Dastidar, Debjit Medda, and Anindya Bikas Datta -- after they failed to pay the fine imposed on them by the regulator, Sebi said in 10 separate orders passed on Thursday and Friday. In its notices, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has ordered attachment of bank, demat accounts and mutual fund folios of these individuals to recover pending dues. Going by the notices, dues of totalling Rs 1.25 crore were pending with these individuals with the amount including interest and recovery costs. As per the notices, Se
Markets regulator Sebi on Friday proposed to extend the automated closure of trading window ahead of the declaration of financial results to the immediate relatives of designated persons of listed companies. The move, if implemented, would prevent inadvertent non-compliance of insider trading rules, according to a consultation paper floated by Sebi. The markets regulator, in August 2022, issued a framework restricting trading by depository participants by way of freezing the PAN at security level during the trading window closure period. The freezing of the PAN at the security level is being carried out by the stock exchanges and depositories based on the information provided by the listed company. Initially, this PAN freeze framework was made applicable for trading window closure on account of declaration of financial results of listed companies that were part of benchmark indices such as Nifty 50 and Sensex. Subsequently, Sebi in July 2023, extended the framework to restrict tra
Due to shrinking universe of unlisted debt, Sebi has proposed to allow Category II AIFs to invest in lower-rated paper
NSE Clearing Ltd, the clearing house of the National Stock Exchange (NSE), has failed to meet the capital markets regulator Sebi's mandated liquidity requirements, citing the non-payment of dues by rival BSE as the primary reason for the shortfall. In its December 2024 quarterly results, NSE Clearing, the exchange's unit responsible for clearing and settling its trades, reported a shortfall of Rs 176.65 crore in its minimum liquid assets. The company informed Sebi in a letter dated January 9 that this deficit was primarily due to the non-receipt of Rs 312.37 crore in dues from BSE. An NSE Clearing spokesperson said its auditors flagged the outstanding payment issue in their third-quarter financial review. The outstanding amount pertains to "interoperability arrangements", the official said. "The company is yet to receive outstanding dues of over Rs 300 crore from BSE Ltd. NSE Clearing is communicating with BSE on this matter," the spokesperson added. The Securities and Exchange B
Under the new norms, open APIs will not be permitted. Access will be granted only through a unique vendor client to ensure identification and traceability
Capital markets regulator Sebi on Tuesday slapped fines totalling Rs 25 lakh on eight entities, including DB Realty, its promoters and other officials, for violations related to financial misstatements and non-disclosures. The regulator imposed a fine of Rs 5 lakh each on DB Realty Ltd (now known as Valor Estate), Vinod Kumar Goenka (Promoter and Chairperson-MD of DB Realty), and Shahid Balwa Usman (promoter and MD), according to a Sebi order. Sebi also levied a penalty of Rs 2 lakh each on Asif Yusuf Balwa, Jayvardhan Vinod Goenka, Salim Balwa Usman, Sunita Goenka and Nabil Yusuf Patel. In the final order, Sebi stated that DB Realty failed to comply with accounting standards in preparation and presentation of the financial statements in respect of guarantee given to Bank of India (BOI) on behalf of loan availed by PBPL which has resulted in the violation of the listing agreement/disclosure rules. "I find that event-based disclosures in respect of classification as NPA, invocation
Markets regulator Sebi on Thursday imposed a penalty of Rs 7 lakh on Motilal Oswal Financial Services Ltd for flouting stock broker and depository participant rules. It has been directed to pay the fine within 45 days, according to an order passed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi). This came after Sebi conducted inspection of the stock broker and depository participant, MotilalOswal Financial Services Ltd, jointly with stock exchanges and depositories for the inspection period from April 2021 to June 2022. In its probe, the regulator found that Motilal Oswal Financial Services did not resolve 26 complaints within a period of 30 days, transferred securities of credit balance clients to "client unpaid securities account", and incorrectly reported Margin Trading Funding (MTF) collaterals to the exchange. Additionally, it had done wrong reporting and short collection of margin on one instance in CM (capital market) segment, on one instance in FO (futures & options) .
Salasar will have to make the full deposit of wrongful gains in the alleged front-running matter