The Karnataka High Court said that necrophilia, defined as having sexual intercourse with a corpse, was not a punishable offence under current laws
Four years ago on this day the Supreme Court partially struck down Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) decriminalising same-sex relationship between consenting adults.
This book is important for those interested in Bollywood or in queer activism in India, but also for those who are looking for a life story to inspire them
It is inconceivable that there are no gays working in Indian corporations but obviously, the subject remains taboo enough in the workplace for those of alternate sexual orientation to feel safer
In 2013, the Supreme Court had overturned the HC, finding it "legally unsustainable
It will take decades before we can actually eradicate the stigma of being gay or transgender, as a homophobic population will continue to judge and discriminate
LGBTQ-friendly workplaces and policies are not entirely new, but India Inc has a lot of ground to cover to achieve optimal diversity and inclusivity, write Manavi Kapur and Amrita Singh
There is also a need to "change minds" as at the core of killings and violence against the LGBTI community
It will take decades before we can actually eradicate the stigma of being gay or transgender, as a homophobic population will continue to judge and discriminate
In the past decade and a half, sections of urban India have become much more liberal about accepting gay men and women than our colonial-era laws might have suggested
Naz's trainers facilitate the participants to understand how to co-exist with LGBT individuals in the workplace
Civil society will have a tougher time convincing people of the importance of granting rights to sexual minorities, since it is not clear that a homosexual lifestyle can work in the Indian context
It would be naive to think that anti-LGBTQ sentiment will vaporise in the wake of the judgment
Mythology and folklore certainly examined the issues around gender with a boldness that seems way ahead of its times
He stressed that sexuality is only a part of one's identity. He recounted coming out of the closet and how his conservative parents stood by him
The Mental Healthcare Act, 2017 was quoted by three of the judges in the Section 377 verdict
India has been losing as much as 1.4% of its GDP because of the discriminatory law, according to calculations by University of Massachusetts Amherst economics professor Lee Badgett
Supreme Court's decision to decriminalise homosexuality is incredibly heartfelt and vindicates the dignity of LGBT people
Flood social media with witty one-liners, tongue-in-cheek humour, hashtags
The judge also said that the concern about the need to harmonise pre-Independence or colonial laws with the ethos of constitutional jurisprudence was reflected in the judgment