Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy on Thursday said his government is moving ahead with plans to make one crore members of women self-help groups (SHGs) "crorepatis" by involving them in various business activities. Speaking after the inauguration of the "Indira Mahila Shakti Bazar" of women SHGs here in the evening along with Governor Jishnu Dev Varma, Reddy said his government is implementing various schemes for the welfare of women, including free travel for them in state-run buses, supplying LPG cylinders for Rs 500, free power supply up to 200 units for the poor, stitching clothes for students and "Indira Mahila Shakti" canteens. The government is also allotting solar power plants to SHGs, he added. The total number of members in SHGs at present is 65 lakh and it should become one crore, the chief minister said. "It is your responsibility to make it one crore. It is my responsibility to make one crore (women) crorepatis," he said. Next year, he would visit the 10 undivi
Uttar Pradesh leads the nation in the number of BC Sakhis, followed by Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan with nearly 19,000 and 10,000 correspondents, respectively
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday interacted with Lakhpati Didis' women members of self-help groups who are earning Rs 1 lakh annually in Maharashtra's Jalgaon. The PM is attending an event to felicitate 11 lakh new Lakhpati Didis who achieved the mark during the third term of his government. A group of women welcomed Modi in Jalgaon following which he interacted with a few members of some self-help groups (SHGs). The SHGs are active in the livestock sector, while others have been working in government schemes like Krishi Sakhi' and NAMO Drone Didi', officials. The officials implementing the schemes said SHGs play a vital role in imparting skills that help meet the requirements in rural areas and generate employment locally. An official statement had said on Saturday that Modi would also release at the Jalgaon event a revolving fund of Rs 2,500 crore that would benefit about 48 lakh members of 4.3 lakh SHGs. He will disburse bank loans of Rs 5,000 crore, which will benefit
The PM disbursed around Rs 8,000 crore in loans to SHGs at a subsidised interest rate through bank linkage camps set up in each district
While working within a group, social influence helps in maintaining discipline for staying on course for repayments
Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur on Friday said the Centre has decided to sell products made by women-associated self-help groups through e-commerce to double their income. He addressed around 200 such self-help groups from different areas of Una district during an 'Atmanirbhar Narishakti se Samvad' (interaction with self-reliant women) programme. Thakur said that under the National Rural Livelihood Mission, about Rs 9,000 crore has been spent by the central government to make women living in rural areas self-reliant. He called upon the delf-help groups to take special care of the quality and packaging of the finished products so that these can compete with brands available in the market. In the future, products prepared by self-help groups will be made available on the e-commerce platforms to increase their sale, the Union minister added. Speaking to reporters after the event, Thakur accused the Congress governments in Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh of looting
Although technical and laborious work is usually considered difficult for women, the members have excelled in making fly ash bricks
Under the Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana, during 2023-24, a target has been fixed to set up 10,000 new Self-Help Groups, Tamil Nadu Chief M K Stalin said here on Wednesday. Chairing the state-level, third District Development Coordination and Monitoring Committee (DISHA) meeting here, Stalin said under the Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana--National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM), 10,000 new SHGs would be set up during 2023-24 with objectives including social mobilisation and Rs 15 crore fund has been allocated. For 5,000 SHGs, a Community Investment Fund of Rs 75 crore and for 3,000 village poverty eradication sangams, Rs 7.50 crore fund for poverty alleviation has been earmarked. For purposes including providing basic training for members of the new 10,000 SHGs, Rs 3.30 crore has been set apart and for goals including financial management-refresher courses for 12,287 village level federations and similar 388 units at block level, Rs 24.96 crore has been allocated. The Chief Minister urge
The Union Rural Development Ministry on Monday launched a mobile application under the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission that will add to the e-commerce initiatives for products made by women from Self-Help Groups. The eSaras app was launched by Ministry of Rural Development Secretary Shailesh Kumar Singh. He also inaugurated the eSaras Fulfilment Centre at the ministry's office in New Delhi' Janakpuri, it said. The fulfilment centre will be managed by the Foundation for Development of Rural Value Chains -- a not-for-profit company jointly constituted by the ministry and Tata Trusts. It will be used to process, package and ship products that customers purchase through the eSaras portal and app. It will also handle the logistics required to bring an online order to a customer's doorstep. The eSaras app will be used as a more effective platform for marketing of products made by women from Self-Help Groups (SHGs). The initiative was conceptualise
As many as 460 village forest development societies and more than 900 self-help groups have been established across seven districts of Himachal Pradesh, a statement issued here on Thursday said. The development has taken place under the forestry and natural resource management projects funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). These projects have been instrumental in augmenting the lush greenery of the region, it said, adding that they also prioritise the skill enhancement and capacity building of forest-dependent communities and field staff. With over 15,000 individuals trained in livelihood activities and forest regeneration, the project mitigates the risks posed by climate change and related disasters, the statement added. Employing advanced techniques and technological interventions, over 4,600 hectares of land have been adorned with carefully planned plantations over the past two years. Furthermore, the project places great emphasis on developing nurseries
The ambitious Water Metro Service of the Kerala government, which was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, will have 30 Kudumbashree members employed in its housekeeping and ticketing sections. Kudumbashree said 18 of its members have joined the ticketing section of the Water Metro while 12 are with the housekeeping section. Kochi Water Metro service began commercial operations on Wednesday. There are a total of 74 staff currently employed in the newly inaugurated Water Metro Service. "Thirty of the staff appointed for housekeeping and ticketing are from the women self-help group, Kudumbashree... More women will be employed when the need arises. Women from neighbourhood groups of Kochi East, South, Mulavukad and Elamkunnapuzha regions have got placements," Kudumbashree said in a statement. The women got the opportunity through Kudumbashree Initiative for Business Solutions (KIBS) society, formed to provide jobs to women based on their educational qualifications. Kudumbashree,
Amrit Udyan made special arrangements for the special guests and all preparations were made to ensure they did not face any hassle during their visit
The state has set up 19 units to produce natural paints from cow dung. 150,036 women from 13,063 SHGs are directly involved in such activities
Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, in a bid to boost the state's 'Mission Shakti' scheme, has announced that his government would hike the upper limit for interest-free loan provided to self-help group members from Rs 3 lakh to Rs 5 lakh, starting April next year. Describing the move as "revolutionary, Patnaik on Tuesday said women can now set up small and medium enterprises (SMEs) or even launch big businesses. The Mission Shakti movement in Odisha seeks to empower women self help groups (WSHGs) by encouraging the members to take up various socio-economic activities. Noting that women have always been a driving force for transformation of Odisha, Patnaik said that this new decision will also promote local economy. Odisha has six lakh WSHGs, with 70 lakh women as members An official release issued by Patnaik's office said that the state government provided over Rs 17,000 crore as loans to Mission Shakti SHGs in the last 5 years.
Jammu and Kashmir rural livelihoods mission (Umeed) and e-commerce firm Meesho have signed an agreement to support the growth of 1,800 self-help group (SHG) members by providing them an online platform to launch and grow their business and empower rural women entrepreneurs. The memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed and exchanged in the presence of Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha here at Raj Bhavan on Thursday. Congratulating women entrepreneurs of self-help groups (SHGs) and Meesho officials, the Lt Governor said the partnership will help in building lives and livelihoods for rural communities and provide greater access to economic activities, and financial independence to rural women entrepreneurs. The partnership of rural livelihoods mission and e-commerce giant Meesho is a significant step in making niche products of Jammu and Kashmir available to the wider customer base, providing SHGs global market to grow their business, and making them Aatmanirbhar, he observed. From
Performance of an item is considered poor if the level of targets achieved has been below 80 per cent
The scheme was started in 2019, and till now, 1,141 women entrepreneurs, SHGs and clusters have been sanctioned loans of more than Rs 57.60 crore in urban and rural areas
The Centre on Friday launched an e-commerce portal for marketing products made by women of self-help groups (SHGs), and said efforts were underway to have at least 25 per cent of all sales by them through online. Union Minister of State for Rural Development Faggan Singh Kulaste inaugurated the Saras Food Festival and said the government will take steps to establish Saras stalls by women SHGs in all state capitals, major cities and metros, airports and railway stations for widening the reach of marketing, the ministry said in an official statement. He also launched the e-commerce portal,, for better and more effective marketing of the products prepared by women of self-help groups and said, "efforts are on to have at least 25 per cent of all sales by women self-help groups through e-commerce portals annually." Through such festivals, Kulaste said, more and more people will be exposed to ethnic and home-made handicrafts, paintings, toys, food and other items. "Each wom
More than Rs 600 crore was paid between February 2019 and March 2022 to milk producers associated with cooperative dairies
Telangana BJP president Bandi Sanjay Kumar urged that the state government release Rs 4,000 crore interest arrears due to be paid to self-help women groups (SHGs)