Committee under finance secretary to examine
But decision on allowances is a repeat of past mistakes
Automobiles, travel and consumer goods may see higher consumption on higher salaries, savings
Basic salary, pension to increase 2.5 times; Cabinet defers decision on allowances
The Pay Commission's award will provide a windfall that can be used to both spend and invest wisely.It is well-documented that people tend to splurge when such windfalls happen as the money is viewed as "found money", vis-a-vis something like "earned money", which is spent more judiciously. Financial planners emphasise that people should pause, review their needs, and then spend or invest the money in a well-planned manner.As the government will pay out arrears, government employees are likely to get a lump sum amount. "Some part of it may be spent on things you have coveted for long, but the rest should go into your investment kitty," says Hemant Rustagi, chief executive officer, Wise Invest Advisors. It is a good time to start a systematic investment plans, as the market are uncertain and long-term gains can be good.Assess your near and mid-term financial needs. If the equated monthly instalment on your home loan leaves you with very little money in hand, a part of the lump sum can
Cabinet clearance to the Seventh Pay Commission would bring a needed respite for the consumer goods industry but experts said the growth rates might be muted. The penetration of branded goods in the country was low, industry executives said. Penetration of air conditioners (three per cent), washing machines (nine per cent) and televisions (60 per cent) remained lower than the global average of 60 per cent, 70 per cent and 89 per cent, respectively, they said.The sector, comprising fast-moving consumer goods, consumer durable and electronic devices, has been struggling to grow during a large part of the previous two years as discretionary spending has remained low.One obstacle was affordability.But experts said the pay increase would take care of that issue.An increase of more than 20 per cent in income of nearly 10.8 million government employees and pensioners would bring in additional cash flow to market as spending power of such households would go up. Experts and industry analysts s
It'll be around 45% of the transporter's total wage bill of Rs 53,000 crore for FY17
FM described the seventh pay commission hike "a mixed bag"
Model Act allows women to work nightshifts