Arpit Mankar has been appointed head of the non-Bollywood category, and Abhishek Joshi will lead the OTT platform of Shemaroo, ShemarooMe
Entertainment company Shemaroo Entertainment Limited has elevated Hiren Gada as the chief executive officer (CEO) in addition to his existing role as CFO.Having spent time with various divisions within the company and leading the organization to scale up and get listed, Hiren Gada will now take on the leadership role in addition to his original role as the CFO. In his new role as CEO & CFO, Gada will chart and lead the firm through its next phase of growth. Shemaroo has also promoted Kranti Gada to the role of chief operating officer (COO) of the company. Kranti was involved in setting up the company's mobile business and played a key role in the company's early adoption of digital platforms. More recently she incubated the company's expansion into the DTH segment. In her new role, Kranti will head the revenue function of the company to drive extensive and sustainable growth.Hiren Gada joined Shemaroo Entertainment 15 years ago and has played a significant role in the ...