The use of secured messaging applications like Signal, Telegram, Viber and the dark Web besides end-to-end encrypted WhatsApp by radical elements to connect with like-minded individuals is proving to be a "major challenge" for security agencies to counter online radicalisation, government said on Wednesday. Replying to a question in the Rajya Sabha, Minister of State for Home Affairs Nityanand Rai said as the extensive use of cyber technology is the main tool for propagating radical ideology, cyberspace is being monitored ceaselessly. The minister said at present, apart from state police, the NIA is investigating 67 cases relating to online radicalisation. In these cases, 325 accused have been arrested, 336 accused have been charge-sheeted and 63 accused have been convicted so far. "Cyber patrolling is done on a regular basis to identify and monitor such content and entities which are targeting gullible/depressed/ alienated youth," the minister said. He said websites and accounts .
The committee was set up last week and is expected to turn its report in next week, 15 days after its formation
Interception clause, platforms believe, may eliminate security benefits of end-to-end encryption
The new feature will allow stories to automatically expire 24 hours after sharing, but anyone can manually delete them anytime before
Telecom minister has said that regulations in the draft telecom bill will protect the customers from cyberattacks and will only be 'light touch'
The change will only affect users who use Signal as their default SMS app on Android
The telecom operators will welcome the move as they have long demanded that OTT communication apps that provide the same services as operators should be subjected to similar regulations
Marlinspike, who started Signal in 2014, said he would transition out of the top job in the next month, but would remain on the board.
Facebook blamed network configuration glitches for immobilizing a suite of apps from Messenger to Instagram and driving some of its 2.7 billion daily users to the competition
The stock slide sent Zuckerberg's worth down to $120.9 bn, dropping him below Bill Gates to No. 5 on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index
Millions of new users joined the Edward Snowden-endorsed Signal on Monday, it said on Twitter
The heavy-handed ways in which the government has been behaving in shaping the narrative and curbing dissent make even genuine attempts at regulating big tech suspicious, says Choudhary
Encrypted chat app Signal suggested in a blog post published on Wednesday that products sold to law enforcement from Israeli surveillance provider Cellebrite can easily be sabotaged
Encrypted messaging app Signal has announced that it is working to let users send money in cryptocurrency to friends and relatives
As Facebook CEO Mark Zukerberg's phone number also emerged among the leaked data of 533 million Facebook users, a security expert has revealed that the Facebook CEO uses Signal.
Encryption is the practice of scrambling data to make it unintelligible for even the service providers
Users in China said Tuesday that they could not get the app to connect without a VPN service
New rules for digital media have troubling implications
It seems users were only being coquettish in looking for an alternative; they never actually dumped the app
WhatsApp's latest policy seems to have prompted aware users or early adopters to shift to alternative instant messaging platforms such as Signal and Telegram