Police have managed to freeze a sum of Rs 4.65 crore out of Rs 7.5 crore lost by the Mumbai-based owner of a private company in a SIM swap cyber fraud, officials said. In the SIM swap fraud, a form of identity theft, scammers trick the network provider into linking the mobile phone number of their target to a SIM card they have in possession and access to OTPs sent by the bank to the genuine person. It is a form of account takeover where cyber crooks gain access to a victim's phone number. This allows them to assume control over the victim's mobile identity, enabling unauthorised access to personal online accounts linked to the number. The private firm owner was duped for Rs 7.5 crore by cyber fraudsters in suburban Kandivali on Monday, officials said on Tuesday. The scamsters got the access of the company's bank account with the help of SIM swipe and made multiple unauthorised transactions, an official said, adding the money was then transferred to various bank accounts in a span
As part of its ongoing efforts to combat cybercrime, the government has blocked over 6.69 lakh SIM cards and 1,32,000 IMEI numbers till November 15, 2024. Responding to a question in the Rajya Sabha, Minister of State for Women and Child Development Savitri Thakur said this initiative is part of a broader strategy to tackle cybercrime, with a focus on improving the capabilities of law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and judicial officers. In a related development, the Ministry of Home Affairs has launched the 'CyTrain' platform, an online Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) aimed at building the capacity of police and judicial officers. The platform, developed under the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C), offers courses on cyber-crime investigation, forensics, and prosecution. To date, more than 98,698 police officers from various states and Union Territories (UTs) have registered on the platform, with over 75,591 certificates issued. The government has also provided Rs 131.60
The Centre has blocked 6.69 lakh SIM cards and 1.32 lakh International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) numbers reported by police authorities to check cyber crimes in the country, Rajya Sabha was informed Wednesday. In a written reply to a question, Minister of State for Home Affairs Bandi Sanjay Kumar said the central government and Telecom Service Providers (TSPs) have devised a system to identify and block incoming international spoofed calls displaying Indian mobile numbers appearing to be originating within India. "Such international spoofed calls have been made by cyber criminals in recent cases of fake digital arrests, fedex scams and impersonation as government and police officials," the minister said. Directions have been issued to the TSPs for blocking of such incoming international spoofed calls, he said. "Till November 15, 2024, more than 6.69 lakh fake SIM cards and 1.32 lakh IMEIs as reported by police authorities have been blocked by the government of India," he ...
The accused had activated over 20,000 SIM cards, which were then sold to criminals not only in India but also in countries such as China, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Malaysia
In a bid to curb cyber crimes in Mewat region, Rajasthan Police has blocked 2.36 lakh suspicious SIMs and 2.29 lakh mobile handsets, officials said on Monday. In the last two months, police have recovered more than 5,000 stolen and lost mobiles and returned them to their owners, a statement by the police said. According to the statement, "Operation Antivirus" is being run in coordination with the Government of India and the Centre's department of telecommunications. Director General of Police (Cyber ?Crime) Hemant Priyadarshi said police have identified cyber criminals based on their records in the 'Operation Antivirus' database and taken effective action against them. Police have identified around 2.36 lakh suspicious SIMs and around 2.29 lakh mobile handsets with suspicious IMEI and got them blocked by contacting the Department of Telecommunications, Government of India, due to which cyber crime has decreased drastically in the Mewat region, the DGP said. IMEI is a 15-digit numb
An illegal telephone exchange, which caused revenue loss to the Department of Telecom and had the potential to assist in terrorist activities, has been busted by Maharashtra police's Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) in Pune, officials said on Thursday. According to the ATS officials from the Pune division, one Naushad Ahmed Siddiqui (32) was operating the unlawful telephone exchange in the city's Kondhwa area. "Seven SIM boxes, 3,788 SIM cards, nine WiFi routers, antennas, inverters and laptops were seized from the facility. By running the illegal telephone exchange, the accused had caused revenue loss to the Department of Telecom," an official said without providing any figure. The centre could also be used in aiding terrorist activities, he informed. An offence has been registered under relevant sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, the Indian Telegraph Act, the Telecommunications Act, the Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act, and efforts were on to traced the accused, the official added.
66 lakh connections axed after subscribers found to be holding more than the legal number of SIM cards
Telecommunications Bill: If any mobile user has more than nine SIM cards issued on one Aadhaar card, they will be penalised up to Rs 50,000 for the first time and Rs 2 lakh for subsequent offences
The move is expected to control the cases of SIM fraud and cut the telcos' cost of customer acquisition
The government is set to implement new SIM card rules from December 1. The guidelines were announced on August 1, 2023. Here's all you need to know about it
Telcos sought additional time for implementation of new rules as it required change in their IT systems. Considering the request, the government has given a one-time extension
The city police have identified and blocked in the last three weeks more than 15,000 SIM cards used by fraudsters to cheat residents of Bengaluru, in a bid to curb cybercrime. The police action came after a surge in cases of cybercrime registered across its city limits, they said on Saturday. According to the police, a special drive was started on August 16 with an aim to check incidents of cybercrime in the city. As part of the initiative, the police have managed to identify and get blocked 15,378 SIM cards from August 16 to September 7. Most of these SIM cards were found to be operational in northern India and were used by fraudsters to cheat residents of Bengaluru through various fraudulent modus operandi. "Since January this year, there has been a surge in cases related to cybercrimes and we received a lot of complaints where the victims shared contact numbers through which they were approached by fraudsters with various schemes and were ultimately duped by them. So, we identif
Why is the govt worried about SIM card dealers? Are India's criminal laws changing for the better? What is D-Street expecting from Reliance AGM? What is a demon particle? All answers here
The ministry of communications has introduced reforms aimed at safeguarding the telecom ecosystem and enhancing customer protection
Briefing reporters on the new rules, Vaishnaw said the need to create greater accountability for SIM card dealers came after detailed field tests and discussions with telecom service providers
The government has made police verification of SIM card dealers mandatory and discontinued the provision of bulk connections to curb fraudulent activities, Union minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said on Thursday. The minister said that the government has disconnected 52 lakh mobile connections. While 67,000 dealers have been blacklisted, 300 FIRs have been filed against SIM card dealers since May 2023. The minister said WhatsApp on its own blocked around 66,000 accounts that were involved in fraudulent activities. "Now we have made police verification of SIM dealers mandatory to curb frauds. Penalty of Rs 10 lakh will be imposed on dealers found violating norms," Vaishnaw said. He said that there are 10 lakh SIM dealers and they will be given sufficient time for police verification. The minister said that the Department of Telecommunications has also discontinued the provision of bulk connections and instead a new concept of business connection will be introduced. "Besides, KYC of ...
To curb the menace of issuing SIM cards on fake identities, a major security threat, the Punjab Police have got blocked over 1.8 lakh SIM cards
The Gujarat police have arrested 18 persons from different parts of the state in the last one week for allegedly activating and selling SIM cards using forged documents and photographs of unsuspecting customers, an official said on Monday. According to the Gujarat Crime Investigation Department (CID), an investigation by the Department of Telecommunication (DoT) had revealed that more than 29,000 cards had been sold by SIM card sellers or through point of sale (PoS) across the state using fake identity documents and photographs of people and customers who submit their documents to get numbers of their choice, the official said. In several cases, it was found that shop owners had activated and sold multiple SIM cards using a single photograph, he said. As it is not possible to detect such fraud by analysing each and every application manually, the DoT had put to use its indigenously developed AI tool, called 'Artificial Intelligence and Facial Recognition Powered Solution for Telecom
The fraudsters were making a call using a Sim card, then switching off the phone, removing the Sim and putting a new Sim in the same phone to place the next call
The Jammu and Kashmir Police arrested three persons in Baramulla district, busting a racket involved in obtaining mobile SIM cards on fake documents, officials said Monday. A police spokesman said incriminating material was recovered from the possession of the three arrested persons. "Police have busted a fake SIM card racket in Baramulla town," he said The spokesman said further investigation in the matter is underway.