The Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C), a wing of the Ministry of Home Affairs, has identified and blocked more than 1,700 Skype IDs and 59,000 WhatsApp accounts used for digital fraud, Lok Sabha was informed on Tuesday. Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Bandi Sanjay Kumar also stated that the Citizen Financial Cyber Fraud Reporting and Management System,' launched under I4C in 2021, enables immediate reporting of financial frauds to prevent the siphoning off of funds by fraudsters and so far, over Rs 3,431 crore has been saved in more than 9.94 lakh complaints. "The I4C has pro-actively identified and blocked more than 1,700 Skype IDs and 59,000 WhatsApp accounts used for digital fraud, Kumar said in response to a written question. As of November 15, 2024, more than 6.69 lakh SIM cards and 1.32 lakh IMEIs, as reported by police authorities, have been blocked by the government. The minister further explained that to strengthen the mechanism for addressing cyber ...
Slack alleged that its rival had unfairly integrated workplace chat and video app Teams into its Office product
In the latest update to Skype, Microsoft has incorporated AI capabilities and enhanced translation features into the platform
American tech giant Microsoft is now bringing the AI-based Bing chatbot to mobile and Skype two weeks after its original launch
Microsoft also announced AI-powered Bing for Skype on Wednesday. Users can add Microsoft's AI to group chats and ask it questions
It has also introduced a new mobile Skype calling experience and made a few technial improvements to improve the stability and performance of any video call
The new translation feature uses AI to automatically detect the languages being spoken during a video call and translate them in real time
Apple and Microsoft don't pro-actively detect child abuse material stored on their iCloud and OneDrive services, despite the wide availability of identifying technology, the report found
Zoom Video Communications has sought approval from the government of India to launch its Zoom Phone services in India, according to media reports
It seeks to bend the industry to the government's will by imposing a license requirement on everything from Gmail to FaceTime and Skype
There are many apps that ask users' permission to access their microphone; however, in many cases, users are not made aware for what reason their phone microphone is being used
'Together mode' is a viewing option that makes it appear as if all meeting participants are located in the same physically shared space instead of via a traditional grid view.
Cisco's enterprise-centric conference and video call platform WebEx shows up to 25 participants. Google Hangouts for G Suite shows up to 25 people on a video call
Microsoft Teams registered a new daily record of 2.7 billion meeting minutes in a single day on March 31 - 200 per cent increase from 900 million on March 16
Zoom has some limitations, like time cap of up to 40 minutes on a free account, and privacy and security concerns raised by many critics lately
Facebook, Google and other behemoths are training their sights on Silicon Valley's company of the moment
So has the advent of technology made it easier, or more difficult, for brands to communicate with you and your valentine?
Employees embedded with cybersecurity forces in Uganda and Zambia intercepted encrypted communications and used cell data to track opponents, according to a Wall Street Journal investigation
The updated privacy statement says human review is used to help build, train and improve the accuracy of its Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems
Skype had argued that it did not transmit signals itself and did not provide any electronic communications services such as those defined by current EU rules