The Bombay High Court has directed the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) to ensure no illegal slaughtering of animals is carried out during the Bakrid festival at a residential colony in south Mumbai. Bakrid or Eid-al-Adha is being celebrated on Thursday. In a special urgent hearing held on Wednesday after the regular court hours, a division bench of Justices G S Kulkarni and Jitendra Jain said slaughtering can be permitted at the Nathani Heights society only if licence is granted by the civic body. "In the event, the Municipal Corporation has not issued a licence to undertake slaughtering of animals at the said place, the officers of the Municipal Corporation with the aid of the police personnel shall take appropriate action in accordance with law to prevent slaughtering of animals proposed for tomorrow (June 29)," the court said. The bench was hearing a petition filed by one Haresh Jain, a resident of the society, seeking complete ban on slaughtering of animals ...
Though poultry slaughtering is common in many places in the city, the Ghazipur abattoir located in East Delhi is the only facility in the capital for butchering other animals
The bench was hearing a bunch of petitions filed in 2017, alleging that 'beef was being sold openly in areas such as Nagpada, Agripada, and Dongri' in the city
State govt says many Goans fear of being forced into vegetarianism