Delhi Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj on Saturday alleged a scam in the housing for the poor and said the DDA housing units meant for slum dwellers in the city are sold illegally to ineligible individuals. No immediate response was available from the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) and the BJP on the allegations. Bharadwaj alleged in a press conference that these DDA flats are being sold to ineligible individuals, undermining the very purpose of the initiative aimed at aiding the poor. The slum dwellers, who have been displaced by the Central's government actions, were promised housing that is now falling prey to corruption and this cannot happen without the lieutenant governor's consent, he alleged. "These flats cannot be sacrificed to corruption without the consent of the Central government's DDA. Such a big scam and corruption were happening right under the nose of the BJP LG and it is not possible that Lieutenant Governor Vinay Saxena was not aware of it," he said. Bharadwaj also
The Dharavi Redevelopment Project Pvt Ltd (DRPPL), the firm redeveloping Asia's largest slums, on Thursday performed the groundbreaking ceremony (Bhoomi Poojan) of the Dharavi redevelopment project at the RPF grounds in Matunga. The pooja, conducted in an area called Sector 6, marks the auspicious beginning of the construction of Railway's staff quarters and offices to be handed over to the government, as mandated in the Dharavi Redevelopment tender documents, sources said. Already, the state government-led door-to-door survey to determine eligible and ineligible residents is on with an idea to speed up the redevelopment and to ensure inclusive development. The DRPPL, which is a joint venture between the state government and the Adani Group, has also moved in the direction envisaged by the Maharashtra government, which is on a mission to make Mumbai a slum-free city by 2030. Mapping of the roughly 600 acres of densely populated Dharavi is crucial for the redevelopment that is likel
The Dharavi Redevelopment Project, the largest slum redevelopment initiative in Asia, will cover 640 acres in Mumbai. It is a joint venture between the Adani Group and the Maharashtra government
The Bombay High Court on Friday said the vision should be to make Mumbai a slum-free city and raised concerns about the plight of slum dwellers who become "victims at the hands of private developers". A division bench of Justices G S Kulkarni and Somasekhar Sunderesan emphasised the need for strict and robust implementation of the Maharashtra Slum Area (Improvement, Clearance and Redevelopment) Act. "Vision is to have Mumbai, which is considered an international city and the financial capital of our country, slum-free. We need to have an absolutely slum-free city. This Act will help that vision," the court said. The bench said the implementation of provisions of the Act lies with the government as the mandate lies with them. The bench was set up last week to undertake a "performance audit" of the Act pursuant to the Supreme Court's directives in July. The apex court had raised concerns about the working of the Act. The high court, on Friday, stressed the need for sustainable ...
In a shot in the arm for redevelopment of Asia's biggest slum, a newly formed association of residents of Dharavi and its vicinity has lent its support to ongoing state government-led survey of informal tenements, a precursor to the USD 3-billion project by the Adani group that promises to transform lives of an estimated one million residents. "We request the survey be conducted at the earliest possible time to ensure that the redevelopment can move forward without further delays," Citizen and Society Development Welfare body of Dharavi residents wrote to SVR Srinivas, CEO Dharavi Redevelopment Project/Slum Rehabilitation Authority (DRP/SRA), of government of Maharashtra, on July 30. Representatives of Citizen and Society Development Welfare, who have given the slogan of Dharavi Banao Andolan, met Srinivas and submitted a memorandum seeking expedition of the survey being conducted in Dharavi. The survey, which began on March 18, 2024, has so far completed 10,000 tenements via door t
Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena and the AAP government traded charges on Saturday over the city's civic issues as he shared on social media pictures highlighting cleanliness issues in the slum clusters of Tehkhand and Okhla. Posting pictures captured during his Friday visit to Golkuan in Tehkhand and Sanjay Colony in Okhla, both slum areas in southeast Delhi, Saxena requested Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to take cognisance of it. In its reaction to Saxena's posts and pictures on X, the Kejriwal government alleged in a statement that three lakh slum-dwellers in Delhi have become homeless due to LG's decisions and directions. The LG office sent out a strongly-worded reply, saying, "This is typical and blatant lie being peddled, supposedly by Delhi government." "Not a single Jhuggi has been removed at LG's directions. In fact, on many occasions, the last being at Majnu ka Tila, demolitions were stopped due to LG's intervention," a Raj Niwas official said. The LG has made four
Business units in Dharavi will be able to enjoy a slew of benefits, including State GST refunds, once the redevelopment of the financial capital's largest slum is complete. The Dharavi Redevelopment Project (DRP), a joint venture between Adani Group and the Maharashtra government, on Monday said this is a move to formalize local businesses and the tax sops are as per the tender conditions for the ambitious project. In a statement, DRP said eligible industrial and commercial units in redeveloped Dharavi will get SGST refunds for five years from the date of receipt of occupation certificate of the newly constructed buildings. A DRP spokesperson said the multi-thousand crore redevelopment project is set to transform the informal nature of businesses and added that the tax benefits will help both existing and new businesses become more competitive. SGST will be reimbursed by the state government's finance department and the business units will have to provide SGST payment details as pr
Adani group won the Dharavi rebuilding project in July by bidding $610 million for the project
The new tender issued in 2022 for the Dharavi slum redevelopment project in Mumbai was transparent and no undue favour was shown to the highest bidder Adani Group, the Maharashtra government has submitted to the Bombay High Court. The government earlier this month submitted its affidavit in response to a petition filed by the UAE-based company Seclink Technologies Corporation, challenging the government's decision awarding the project to Adani Properties Private Ltd. "The petitioner has made unfounded and reckless allegations such as actions of respondents being politically motivated without any basis or material as indeed none exists. For making such reckless allegations alone, the writ petition deserves to be dismissed with costs," the affidavit said. A division bench of Chief Justice D K Upadhyaya and Justice Arif Doctor will hear the plea on Thursday. The affidavit filed by the deputy secretary of the state housing department said the petitioner company has made "false and ...
At the crack of dawn on Thursday with the city still asleep, excavators made their way into a slum cluster near Pragati Maidan, waking its inhabitants who felt their lives were about to be upended. As imminent demolition loomed, poised to reduce their modest homes to rubble, several residents suddenly found themselves shelterless. Anxiety crept in as they began to think of their bleak future and possibly that of their children. Pinky, a mother of four, said she was distressed about her 18-year-old daughter's future. Having somehow managed to gather enough money to send the teenager to a hostel, Pinky said that her daughter might not be able to complete her studies now that her home has been razed in the anti-encroachment drive. "This displacement affects my livelihood. We somehow managed to save money and send her to a hostel. After this demolition drive, we are worried that she might have to come back," the woman said. "Authorities are more concerned about the rich. They are least
Brinda Karat wrote a letter to Minister of Railways Piyush Goyal requesting his intervention on the Supreme Court judgment of August 31, directing the removal of all jhuggi clusters on railway land
The removal of the slums has to be completed within 3 months. The apex court also directed that no court should grant a stay in the matter
Tata said while slums are blamed as the cause of current problem, slum-dwellers are not being properly taken care of
Overcrowding, unsanitary conditions in Asia's largest slum pose big challenges to containment
Slum dwellers will often tell you that they're too busy fighting for everyday survival to develop neighbourly ties.
There are about 13.7 million slum households in all of India, of which 4.9 million are neither recognised nor notified