Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Tuesday said the state government is planning to develop Kalaburagi into a smart city with an estimated investment of Rs 1,685 crore, which will improve the quality of life for its residents and attract investment in backward districts. Under the Mahatma Gandhi Nagar Vikas Yojana 2.0, Rs 200 crore each is being provided for basic infrastructure development in Kalaburagi and Ballari municipal corporations, he said. The chief minister delivered his address on the occasion of 'Kalyana Karnataka Amrut Mahotsav' and the 10th anniversary of giving special status to Kalyana Karnataka under Article 371(J) of the Constitution after hoisting the national flag on the Police Parade Ground here. He noted that though India gained independence in 1947, the districts of Bidar, Kalaburagi, and Raichur, under the rule of the Nizam of Hyderabad, secured freedom only a year later, adding, Kalyana Karnataka region joined the country due to the sacrifices of many
But overall, the requirements of a significant uptick in manufacturing investments remain an ongoing policy challenge
The strategic initiative envisages investments upwards of Rs 28,600 crore to develop greenfield smart cities of global standards and create a network of industrial nodes across the country
'The introduction of Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act (Rera) in 2016 marked a major shift, bringing transparency and accountability with mandatory project registration, buyer protection'
Waking up at the crack of dawn, 26-year-old Uday Kiran from Madurai travels 20 km to a park near Tamukkam Road for an intense cramming session with the sole aim of clearing the coveted Tamil Nadu Civil Services Exam. Kiran is one of the around 150 youngsters who converge at the three-acre park -- a hub for competitive exam aspirants -- almost every day for it offers a "conducive environment" for group study, even if that entails sitting under the shade of a tree in hot and muggy weather. Change is in the offing, however, courtesy of the Smart Cities Mission under which a library and knowledge centre with modern facilities, including tablets, is being set up on Tamukkam Road for Rs 2.5 crore. "We have set up this modern library at Madurai's Tamukkam Road, which will facilitate youths to access to digital study material and as well as several books," Ruban Suresh, Chief Engineer of Madurai Municipal Corporation, told PTI. "Under the Smart Cities Mission, students can utilise the ...
The Uttar Pradesh government on Tuesday approved a proposal to implement the Aspirational City Scheme in 100 most backward urban bodies with a population of 20,000 to one lakh. The decision was taken during a state cabinet meeting presided over by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. The government's move is aimed at strengthening the municipal bodies. The scheme will involve the selection of 100 aspirational urban bodies from among the 762 urban bodies by NITI Aayog, based on a set of 16 parameters, an official statement said. The scheme will remain in force until March 31, 2026, but its monitoring will continue until March 31, 2028, through the dashboard. This scheme will help prevent migration by making ideal use of resources and increasing opportunities for economic development, the statement said. In the cabinet meeting, the government also approved a proposal for the operation of air-conditioned electric buses in Saharanpur, Ayodhya, and Firozabad. It has been decided to form a
The government will in due course announce locations for the new cities and their development timelines, he added
A Parliamentary Committee has noted contrasting differences in the completion of targets in different cities under the flagship 'Smart City Mission' (SCM)
Public-private partnerships (PPP) in developing smart cities and villages are crucial to achieve India's vision of becoming a USD 5 trillion economy, Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari said on Monday. Addressing the '8th Smart Cities India Expo', Gadkari also stressed the need of developing smart cities and villages through the PPP model. "(Development of ) Smart Cities is a success story in India. We have got a huge potential here. "To achieve the Prime Minister's vision of making India a USD 5 trillion economy, it is imperative to develop smart cities and villages for which public-private partnership is key," he added. Also speaking at the event, Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic Karel Hirman said the future of urban development is in integrating technology and data analytics into city planning and management. In Slovakia, our cities are already implementing smart solutions in public transport, energy, wastewater management and public safety, he ad
Government data disclosed that nearly 88 per cent of the funds given by the Centre for smart city projects has been utilised
The Smart Cities Mission has been picked as the platinum icon in the Digital India Awards 2022 under the Data Sharing and Use for Socio Economic Development category for its 'DataSmart Cities: Empowering Cities through Data' initiative, according to an official statement on Tuesday. In the statement, the Union Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry said the DataSmart Cities initiative is a key step in creating a robust data ecosystem that enables evidence-based decision-making in cities. The award was announced on Monday, the ministry said. It said that the awards instituted in 2009 are one-of-a-kind in India for honouring the efforts of different government entities in the digital realm. These are conducted by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) under the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY). The seventh edition of Digital India Awards is being held in 2022. 'DataSmart Cities' initiative aims to harnesses the power of data for better governance in India's 100 ..
The logic of developing a city should be to foster ease of living for its people and not profits for its developers
These ITIs are generally located near the industry clusters so that after completing their training, tradesmen can for apprenticeship in different industry clusters
Union Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs Hardeep Singh Puri on Monday said that 80 out of the 100 Smart Cities in the country have Integrated Command and Control Centres
Among structural changes needed for proper urbanisation are directly elected mayors, a sensible property tax system, citizen- and bicycle-friendly designs, and clear FAR rules, writes T N Ninan
The official said all the 100 smart cities selected under the mission will now have to complete their projects by June 2023
The government has approved 11 such corridors consisting of 32 projects to be developed in four phases
An analysis reveals that just about a fourth of the funds allocated for smart cities have been spent, even though nearly half of the projects have been completed
Smart cities were envisioned to be a solution to waste management, air pollution, traffic congestion, scarce resources and more.
Under the freight smart cities initiative, city-level logistics committees would be formed and they will have related government departments and agencies at the local and state levels.