Capital markets regulator Sebi on Monday asked social enterprises, which have registered or mobilised funds through social stock exchange (SSE), to submit an 'annual impact report' for the financial year 2023-24 to such bourse by October-end. The annual impact report to SSE captures the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the social impact generated by the social enterprise. In case a Not for Profit Organization (NPO) is only registered without listing any security, such report is required to cover the NPO's significant activities, intervention, and programmes, among others. "Social enterprises which have registered or raised funds through SSE shall be required to submit Annual Impact Report to SSE by October 31, 2024 for the Financial Year 2023-24," Sebi said in a circular. In September 2023, Sebi asked social enterprises raising funds using SSE to disclose the annual impact report within 90 days from the end of financial year. With an aim to assess the impact created by socia
Platform to opens new financing avenue for social enterprises
Businesses built on renewable infrastructure are gaining traction but banks are still figuring out ways to finance them
In July, SEBI notified rules for Social Stock Exchange (SSE) to provide social enterprises with an additional avenue to raise funds
Market regulator clears the decks for setting up the bourse
Starting from 2022, the prize will be awarded to five outstanding social entrepreneurs in India and other developing nations
Study shows companies with ESG stocks outperform, suffer lesser earnings cut
The proposed exchanges will allow the listing of social enterprises and voluntary organisations
Presenting her maiden Union Budget, the Minister said that the exchange would help social and voluntary organisations which work for social causes
India has emerged as one of largest destinations in the world for investors keen to put their money into firms doing good