Merely bumping up money to spend will not lead to faster utilisation; CGA has identified a host of reasons for balances lying idle, not least of which is the pandemic
The government has continued with earlier policies, schemes and extent of outlays, without attempting radical shifts or transformations
Kant also expressed concern about the state of nutrition among children as he pointed out that it is happening because of lack of "convergence" between various departments.
There has been an attempt to build on earlier initiatives, but financial constraints may hamper execution and achievement of goals
Govt officials say health outlay will have to rise significantly not just for vaccine expense but also for creation of supporting infra and distribution channels
VGF is given to PPP projects and has been limited to economic infra so far; some Rs 6,000 cr would be given for such initiatives as VGF till 2024-25
Tudu's efforts have had quite an impact on her village. She's been able to convince three dropouts to return to school
The comments assume significance in the wake of water conservation being one of the top priorities for the Modi government
The finance minister has balanced allocations across development, fiscal prudence and competing socio-economic priorities
These schemes will not bear the cost of lowered expectations of tax revenues
While allocations to several social sector schemes have been increased, concerns about the direction of the funds being ploughed remain