BSP chief Mayawati on Friday slammed hit out at the BJP for taking money via "illegal" electoral bonds, and said both the saffron party and the Congress were responsible for "politicising" the central agencies. The Bahujan Samaj Party chief asserted that her party "did not take a single penny" through electoral bonds, which she said was declared illegal by the Supreme Court. "BJP has become a party of the wealthy but has done nothing for the poor, Dalits and backward classes," Mayawati said. "BJP has given hollow guarantees and it would be difficult for it to retain power at the Centre if the elections are held in a free and fair manner," she added. She went on to accuse the BJP and Congress both for politicising all federal investigative agencies. Mayawati also claimed that quota in government jobs for Dalits, tribals and other backward classes has not been filled in the past year. The former UP chief minister appealed to people to vote in favour of BSP candidates Rajesh Dwivedi
Union Home Minister Amit Shah targeted previous SP and BSP governments in Uttar Pradesh, alleging that they had turned the state into a bastion of terror and centre of riots.
According to a political observer: Mayawati and Akhilesh Yadav may work for the castes they represent but they will never harm Brahmins
To repeat a Bihar-like experiment at the national level with all parties opposed to the BJP