Sleuths of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) arrested one person who was allegedly working as a middleman in in West Bengal School Service Commission (SSC) recruitment scam, an officer said on Tuesday. The person, who was earlier apprehended by the CBI in the same case in 2022 and later released, was arrested after at least 10 hours of grilling and searches at his home and office in the New Town by the ED officers, he said. "He was arrested late Monday night. We have evidence of his acting as a middleman in the scam. He will be produced at a city court today", the ED officer said. After the 2022 arrest by the CBI, the accused was granted bail by the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the ED on Monday started search operations at the office of a Jute Mill owner in the outstanding provident fund dues scam, he added. Accompanied by a huge team of central forces the ED officers raided the office and residence of the Jute Mill owner in Sankrail and Ballygunge respectively, he said, adding that
The Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu government suspended the functioning of the Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC) on Monday, two days after an HPSSC employee was arrested along with five others over the leak of question paper for the junior office assistant (IT) recruitment exam. According to a notification issued by the state government here, the decision has been taken in view of various irregularities found in the working of the commission, especially the recruitment process for the JOA (IT) posts. "There has been a reported instance of leak of question paper for the post of Junior Office Assistant (Information Technology) (JOA-IT), for which examination was scheduled to be held on December 25 besides information regarding leak of question papers of posts of Junior Auditors and Computer Operators, for which examination is proposed to be held in near future," the order said. The acts of omission and commission in the HPSSC have not only eroded its credibility but also ...
On July 22 this year, the police started investigation into the alleged paper leak for class III government jobs through the Uttarakhand Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UKSSSC)
The BJP Sunday expelled from the party Uttarkashi district panchayat member Hakam Singh Rawat after he was arrested in connection with the Uttarakhand Subordinate Services Selection Commission case
The SSC is a central government body which conducts examinations to recruit staff at multiple levels
SSC examination was busted on March 27 in a joint raid by the Delhi Police and the Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force
The culprits used to charge Rs 1.5 million to help examinees through an online app, 'Team Viewer'
Rajnath also appealed to the students to call off their protest.
A similar demand was also made by Swaraj India president Yogendra Yadav