Sleuths of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) arrested one person who was allegedly working as a middleman in in West Bengal School Service Commission (SSC) recruitment scam, an officer said on Tuesday. The person, who was earlier apprehended by the CBI in the same case in 2022 and later released, was arrested after at least 10 hours of grilling and searches at his home and office in the New Town by the ED officers, he said. "He was arrested late Monday night. We have evidence of his acting as a middleman in the scam. He will be produced at a city court today", the ED officer said. After the 2022 arrest by the CBI, the accused was granted bail by the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the ED on Monday started search operations at the office of a Jute Mill owner in the outstanding provident fund dues scam, he added. Accompanied by a huge team of central forces the ED officers raided the office and residence of the Jute Mill owner in Sankrail and Ballygunge respectively, he said, adding that
Kuntal Ghosh on Wednesday forwarded the complaint to the Hasting Police Station through the superintendent of Presidency Central Correctional Home in Kolkata
A court granted bail to Telangana BJP president and MP Bandi Sanjay Kumar who was arrested over the alleged leak of secondary school exam papers. The Principal Judicial Magistrate court in Hanamkonda district granted bail to Kumar on furnishing a personal bond of Rs 20,000 with two sureties. The Telangana BJP chief was directed not to leave the country without the court's permission. It also asked him not to tamper with the evidence, and cooperate with the investigation. Sanjay Kumar, a Lok Sabha MP from Karimnagar constituency, was named as prime accused in the case relating to the alleged circulation of Class 10 (SSC) Hindi examination question paper in groups of an instant messaging app. He was arrested by the Warangal Police on Wednesday on charges of criminal conspiracy and malpractices, among others. Sanjay Kumar and three others arrested in the case were on Wednesday remanded in judicial custody till April 19 by a local court in Hanamkonda and they were lodged in a jail in
Police on Thursday filed a petition at a court in Warangal district seeking custody of Telangana BJP President and MP Bandi Sanjay Kumar and other arrested persons in connection with the case of malpractice after two question papers of X standard (SSC) board exam surfaced on groups of an instant messaging app. A petition opposing the bail plea of Sanjay Kumar was also filed by police in the court, which will come up for hearing today. Police have sought three days custody of Sanjay Kumar and three other accused, who are in judicial remand and lodged in a jail in Karimnagar, for further investigation in the case. The custodial interrogation of the accused persons is needed to elicit more information in connection with the case and also as data in the phones has been deleted, police said. As part of investigation, police were also in the process of issuing notices to all those including BJP MLA E Rajender, to whom some of the accused had sent the photos of the question paper. "We w
"We will leave the matter to be dealt with by the criminal court. Your argument is that the whole examination should be cancelled. That we are reluctant to do," the SC bench said
The SSC is a central government body which conducts examinations to recruit staff at multiple levels
The Centre informed SC that the probe agency has already started investigating it