The Supreme Court on Friday stayed the Calcutta High Court orders directing CBI investigation into filing of an application by the West Bengal Central School Service Commission (SSC) in a case related to the teachers' recruitment scam. A bench comprising Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud and Justice Hima Kohli also stayed the part of the order by which the single-judge bench of the high court had summoned West Bengal Principal Secretary Manish Jain before it Friday in relation to the filing of the fresh application by the West Bengal Central SSC. "Presently, when I am arguing here, the principal secretary is in the dock before the high court," senior advocate A M Singhvi, appearing for the state government, told the bench. "There shall be a stay on the high court orders," the CJI said and listed the plea of the state government after three weeks. On November 23, the high court had ordered the CBI probe into filing of a benami application' and had asked the central agency to investigate
The CBI filed a charge sheet against 12 people including the former chairman of WBCSSC Subiresh Bhattachary in the connection with the alleged illegal appointment of assistant teachers
The Congress general secretary said the youth undertaking 'satyagraha' for appointment in SSC-GD 2018 recruitment have blisters on their feet, but in the BJP rule, govt recruitments have been locked.
The Punjab state education board is likely to declare the results for class 10 exams on Tuesday
Muktangan says its programme helped students clear state SSC exams, with 90% scoring first class
Candidates can submit SSC CGL 2020 applications till January 31, 2021. Know how to fill SSC CGL registration form, important exam dates and other details
SSC CHSL 2020 requires minimum qualification of secondary level or Class 12. Here's how to apply for SSC CHSL
SSC CGL result 2018: A total of 50,293 candidates were announced eligible for appearing in the Tier-III (descriptive paper) of the examination, of which 41,803 candidates appeared in the exam
Most states have also failed to comply with directives that mandate minimum tenure for police officers
SSC CHSL 2019: Hurry, today is the last day for interested candidates to apply for 4,893 offered by SSC
As per the official notification by SSC CGL, the deadline for applying for SSC CGL 2019-20 is November 25
CGL 2017 result has been declared by SSC on its official website after two years, since the candidates gave their exam
SSC MTS Tier 2 admit card: To download region-wise SSC MTS Paper 2 admit card, click on the links given below
Staff Selection Commission has released the SSC JE Answer Key 2019 on
The SSC will declare the result of SSC-CGL 2017 examination on or
The SSC CHSL 10+2 Tier 2 examination will be conducted on September 29, 2019
SSC has released JE Admit card. Here are steps to download it and know some important instructions
SSC CGL Result: Over 2.5 million candidates registered for the SSC CGL exam but only 834,746 appeared for Tier-I exam
SSC CHSL Admit Card 2019: SSC CHSL skill test will be conducted from August 26 to September 20, 2019. Candidate can check the date, time and venue of their test on their admit card
SSC Phase 7 Recruitment 2019 exam: SSC has released notification for the exam on its official website All you need to know