The government will always act as a facilitator to strengthen the startup ecosystem and not act as a regulator, Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal said on Tuesday. He said that stakeholders of this ecosystem will do self-regulation. Addressing the Startup20 summit here, the minister said, the message that should go out from here is the joint commitment of all the 22 nations, who have participated, that the governments will not be looking at impeding the progress of the work that startups are doing. The best way is to be out of the startups ecosystem, he said, adding the government is not expected to start regulating or dictating or micro-managing the ecosystem. "Our role will always be that of a facilitator and I do not see the government becoming an administrator or a regulator of this sector," he said. He added that the job of the government is to give an initial push or early stage finance to budding entrepreneurs. The minister also said that India provides an unique
It will in over four years invest in firms that have an average ticket size of $1.5 million
We expect more foreign limited partners to put money into India, says Bala Srinivasa, MD, Arkam Ventures
The fintech space has witnessed a 60 per cent year-to-date slump in funding
The number of startups grew 300 times in the last nine years under Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government in the country, Union Minister Jitendra Singh said on Saturday. The Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) was speaking at a two-day 'Young Start-up Conclave' which commenced in Udhampur, the home constituency of Singh. "The startups in India grew 300 times in the last 9 years as from just around 350 startups before 2014, there has been a quantum jump in startups to more than 90,000 with more than 100 unicorns," Singh said. He said the startup movement promoted by Modi is now reaching every part of the country. Asserting that the conclave at Udhampur offers an opportunity to explore new avenues for industry as well as entrepreneurs in the region, he said, under Modi, Jammu and Kashmir is given the top most priority in everything which is the reason J&K is competing in terms of development with other states and Union Territories in the country. "The year ..
Less than one in three startups that attract seed funding manage to raise follow-on funding in the form of a 'Series A' round, a study by Venture Intelligence shows
Online gaming start-up's announcement comes at a time few start-ups are making such payouts
Launched in 2020, previous cohorts of the programme focused on addressing issues in food safety, livelihood, education, sustainability, and skilling
Consumer appliances start-ups will use the financing to strengthen manufacturing, develop new products
Lakshmi Narayanan says ambitious valuation, transparency issues still a major challenge for investors in Indian startup sector
India plans to bring in more cross-border start-up exchange programmes with neighbours
They said the proposed norms aim to expand valuation methodologies and eliminate price differentials between resident and non-resident investors
Top 5 sectors, including IT services, and health care, account for third of registered start-ups
Waayu's launch comes at an interesting time when the government-backed Open Network for Digital Commerce platform is gaining more traction, following Swiggy's decision to charge Rs 2 platform fee
Start-up says will use fresh capital to 'go deeper' in Delhi NCR and Bengaluru
Rajeev Chandrasekhar had admitted that the angel tax was an 'aberration' and reforms were under consideration
The micro-blogging website, however, says it is well capitalised at the moment after raising fresh funding recently
This comes as the edtech company is looking to raise at least $400 million to $600 million from investors
Any NGO registered as a private limited company with a novel idea that meets the set criteria can be taken up as a startup
Godrej Consumer Products Limited (GCPL) on Saturday said they will invest Rs 100 crore in Early Spring, a new Rs 300 crore early-stage consumer fund being set up by Spring Marketing Capital (Spring).