The United Nations reported improved prospects for the world economy since its January forecast on Thursday, pointing to a better outlook in the United States and several large emerging economies including Brazil, India and Russia. According to its mid-2024 report, the world economy is now projected to grow by 2.7 per cent this year up from the 2.4 per cent forecast in its January report and by 2.8 per cent in 2025. A 2.7 per cent growth rate would equal growth in 2023, but still be lower than the 3 per cent growth rate before the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020. "Our prognosis is one of guarded optimism, but with important caveats, Shantanu Mukherjee, director of the UN's Economic Analysis and Policy Division, told a news conference launching the report. The report pointed to interest rates that are higher for longer periods, debt repayment challenges, continuing geopolitical tensions and climate risks especially for the world's poorest countries and small island ...
President Murmu also said that India's shining example, "truth and non-violence" has been successfully employed in many political struggles around the world
The warnings of longer-term trouble come as investors are growing somewhat more hopeful of the Federal Reserve's ability to rein in sky-high inflation without causing a recession
Opportunities will arise as the era of hyperglobalisation and cheap finance fades into the past
Some 70+ CEOs of the CEO Climate Leaders Alliance - the largest CEO-led climate action group globally - agreed on taking bold action to translate pledges into tangible emission reductions
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will deliver the 'State of the World' special address at the World Economic Forum's (WEF) Davos Agenda today
Modern policy makers operate in a world of radical uncertainty. They simply do not know what might happen next - and under these conditions, economic models need to be seen in a new light
The last few months have brought us an avalanche of downgraded forecasts from all international and private sector financial institutions and think tanks
The spread of unconventional monetary policies threatens to set off dangerous and unpredictable feedback loops
Equity prices have remained strong in both advanced and emerging markets