Its average selling prices rose 10 per cent in the third quarter, while unit case volumes 1 per cent
Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that is 200 times sweeter than sugar, but without any kilojoules
The IBA is also holding discussions with the FSSAI, to differentiate the standards for sugar-free drinks and sugary beverages
The whole field of cookie-based marketing and "retargeting" is aimed at persuading you, wherever you may be
The drink brings about $45 million of profit a year in India alone, its manufacturer says, most of it going to a trust that funds schools, universities and clinics
In order to encourage mills to divert sugarcane to produce ethanol in the interest of farmers and sugar industry, soft loans of Rs 18,600 crore are being extended through banks to 362 projects
Veer Arjun Singh on why shorter, sharper nutrition labels - the kind that skip a few ingredients such as sugar by many other names - are starting to make business sense
The more sugar-sweetened drinks people consume, the higher their risk for death