Yogendra Yadav and Suhas Palshikar have alleged that the NCERT published revised textbooks bearing their names without their consent
Political scientists Yogendra Yadav and Suhas Palshikar on Monday wrote to NCERT objecting to new textbooks carrying their names even after they had disassociated themselves from the revisions and said they will be forced to take legal recourse if these books with their names are not withdrawn immediately. In their letter, Palshikar and Yadav said they do not want the NCERT to "hide" behind their names to pass on to students such textbooks of political science that are "politically biased, academically indefensible and pedagogically dysfunctional". Palshikar and Yadav, who were chief advisors for political science textbooks, had last year said that the rationalisation exercise has "mutilated" the books beyond recognition and rendered them "academically dysfunctional" and demanded that their names be dropped from the books. They had stated that the textbooks which were a source of pride for them earlier have now become a source of embarrassment. The revised version of the textbooks,
The recent rationalisation exercise conducted by the NCERT is at the heart of the controversy
Political scientists Suhas Palshikar and Yogendra Yadav have asked the NCERT to drop their names as chief advisors from all political science textbooks, saying a rationalisation exercise has "mutilated" the books beyond recognition and rendered them "academically dysfunctional". Stating that they were embarrassed to be mentioned as chief advisors, Palshikar and Yadav have written to the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT), saying the cuts in the textbooks were arbitrary and irrational. The NCERT, however, said the withdrawal of anyone's association is out of question as textbooks at the school level are developed on the basis of knowledge and understanding on a given subject and at no stage, individual authorship is claimed. Palshikar and Yadav, who were chief advisors for the original political science books for Classes 9 to 12, said, "While the modifications have been justified in the name of rationalisation, we fail to see any pedagogic rationale at wor
BJP's performance in Gujarat, where it lost 16 seats, may not be satisfactory to itself and reveals future electoral risks, it may not herald a Congress comeback in the 2019 general elections