India on Friday conducted a successful flight test of the new generation AKASH missile from the Integrated Test Range (ITR), Chandipur off the coast of Odisha, officials said. The flight test was conducted by DRDO against a high-speed unmanned aerial target at very low altitude. During the flight test, the target was successfully intercepted by the weapon system and destroyed, they said. "It has validated the functioning of the complete weapon system consisting of the missile with indigenously developed Radio Frequency Seeker, Launcher, Multi-Function Radar and Command, Control & Communication system", the officials said. The system performance was also validated through the data captured by a number of radars, telemetry and electro-optical tracking system deployed by ITR, Chandipur. The flight test was witnessed by senior officials from DRDO, Indian Air Force (IAF), Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) and Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL). The AKASH-NG system is a state-of-the-art ...
The QRSAM system is unique in its ability to operate on the move, searching for and tracking enemy targets; and then fire on a short halt
The missile is capable of neutralising various aerial threats at close ranges, a DRDO statement said
India and Israel have successfully tested a Medium-Range Surface-to-Air Missile (MRSAM) defence system jointly developed by the two countries in a boost to their combat capabilities
All QRSAM weapon system elements like Battery Multifunction Radar, Battery Surveillance Radar, Battery Command Post Vehicle and Mobile Launcher were deployed in the flight test
The system is capable of detecting and tracking targets on the move and engaging target with short halts
India's Quick Reaction Surface to Air Missile (QRSAM) system achieved a major milestone on Friday by directly hitting a pilotless target aircraft (PTA) at medium range and medium altitude
Dependent on defence capex, the company is also unlikely to be impacted by coronavirus-led disruption
The all-weather and all-terrain missile, which can be mounted on a truck and stored in a canister, is equipped with electronic counter measures against jamming by aircraft radars
Army today signed a contract in Hyderabad that requires DRDO to develop an army version of the medium range surface to air missile