In a significant milestone for Jammu and Kashmir under the Swachh Bharat Mission, all of its 6,650 villages have been declared open defecation-free plus model, officials said here on Saturday. This achievement is a significant milestone as it goes beyond constructing and use of toilets towards cleanliness by managing greywater and solid waste in each village, they said. The union territory has declared all its 6,650 villages across 285 blocks in 20 districts as open defecation-free (ODF) Plus Model, they said. J-K Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha said the achievement underlines coordinated efforts of all to improve the quality of life for citizens. "Under the guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, 100 per cent J-K villages have achieved the ODF Plus status in 'Model' category under Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) phase-II. This achievement underlines coordinated efforts of all to improve the quality of life for citizens," Sinha said in a post on X. For a village to achieve the O
India's household sanitation coverage increasing at a rate of 13 per cent annually between 2016 and 2018