The Centre has earned over Rs 650 crore from disposal of scrap during the recently-concluded cleanliness campaign, an official statement issued on Saturday said. The special campaigns conducted by the government from 2021-24 have generated a revenue of Rs 2,364 crore through disposal of scrap, it said. Union Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh said that the special campaign 4.0 was India's largest campaign for institutionalising swachhata and reducing pendency in the government offices and has witnessed many best practices and milestones. Inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's directions, the saturation approach was adopted in special campaign 4.0 for swachhata and reducing pendency. "Special campaign 4.0 generated revenues of more than Rs 650 crore in the October 2-31, 2024 period," said the statement issued by the Personnel Ministry. The special campaign 4.0 has seen swachhata campaigns being undertaken in more than 5.97 lakh sites and has resulted in freeing 190
BJP president JP Nadda on Wednesday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi turned Mahatma Gandhi's call for cleanliness into a "mass movement" in the last one decade. Nadda along with Delhi unit leaders, including party's state president Virendra Sachdeva and MP Bansuri Swaraj, participated in the 'Swachhata Abhiyan' at Lodhi Colony in the national capital. Nadda also bought khadi (hand spun, natural fibre textile) clothes from the Khadi India store, said a BJP statement. The BJP's 'Sewa Pakhwara' (fortnight of service) started on September 17 and concluded with the cleanliness campaign on Gandhi Jayanti, Nadda told reporters. "Modi after he became the prime minister adopted cleanliness and it became a mass movement. We know the call for cleanliness was given by father of the country Mahatma Gandhi but Prime Minister Modi has changed it into a mass movement," he said. This mass movement to create awareness among the people to maintain personal hygiene and avoid littering as well as ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said the Swachh Bharat Mission has become the largest and most successful people's movement in the century with mass participation and public leadership. Addressing a gathering on completion of 10 years of the Mission here, he said the Swachh Bharat campaign is not just a cleanliness movement but a new path to prosperity. "Through continuous efforts we can make India clean," he added.
The prime minister also thanked citizens for embracing eco-friendly alternatives such as cloth and paper bags, which have significantly contributed to reducing single-use plastics
Commerating 10 years of swachhta campaign, the union minister for labour and employment is now ready to lead a nation wide cleanliness campaign
Launched in 2021, SBM Urban 2.0 aims to clear 2,400 legacy landfills by 2026, but as of September 27, 35 out of 69 landfill sites in cities with over a million people remain uncleared
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said access to proper toilets plays a crucial role in reducing infant and child mortality, as he shared a research that highlighted the impact of efforts like the Swachh Bharat Mission. In a post on X, the prime minister said improved sanitation has become a "game-changer" for public health in India. "Happy to see research highlighting the impact of efforts like the Swachh Bharat Mission. Access to proper toilets plays a crucial role in reducing infant and child mortality," Modi said on X. "Clean, safe sanitation has become a game-changer for public health. And, I am glad India has taken the lead in this," he added. He shared a link to a research paper on "Toilet construction under the Swachh Bharat Mission and infant mortality in India", published in the British weekly scientific journal 'Nature'. The report said toilet construction increased dramatically across India following the implementation of the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) in 2014.
The Union housing and urban affairs ministry has approved proposals worth Rs 860.35 crore for West Bengal under the second phase of the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM), according to a statement issued on Thursday. According to the ministry, during the first phase of SBM-U (2014-19), a total fund of Rs 911.34 crore was allocated to West Bengal, which has been increased by one-and-a-half times to Rs 1,449.30 crore in SBM-U 2.0 (2021-26). There are 118 legacy-waste dumpsites in West Bengal, of which only 5 per cent waste has been remediated, the statement said. The Dhapa landfill, Kolkata's main municipal dumping ground since 1987, has been undergoing biomining and bioremediation, the methods chosen by the National Green Tribunal (NGT) for clearing legacy waste which allow extraction of usable materials from the waste. "Cities in West Bengal generate around 4,046 tonnes of municipal solid waste per day. Under SBM-U 2.0, the state has proposed projects to manage this huge quantity of waste
To evaluate and accelerate the scale of planning and implementation of the Swachh Bharat Mission Urban 2.0, the Union housing and urban affairs ministry will organise a review-cum-workshop on Monday, according to a statement. The ministry said over the last eight years, the mission has revolutionised sanitation in urban India by building nearly 70 lakh household, community and public toilets, and more than 4,000 cities have been declared Open Defecation Free (ODF), thus providing safe and dignified sanitation solutions for all. The mission, the statement said, has focused on inclusive sanitation by prioritising the needs of women, transgenders and 'divyangs'. The day-long review-cum-workshop will be organised in presence of Union Housing and Urban Affairs Minister Hardeep Singh Puri at the Vigyan Bhawan, it said. Discussions will be held around municipal solid waste management, municipal used water management in small cities, community toilets and public toilets management, 'safai
Mumbai would undergo a transformation in 90 days under the new urban renewal plan unveiled by the state government, Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde said here on Friday. He was speaking after the launch of the Swachha Maharashtra Abhiyan (Urban) 2.0 here. Cleanliness in cities should become a mass movement, Shinde said, adding that sanitation workers are the brand ambassadors of the new campaign. His government has prepared an ambitious plan for Mumbai's transformation under which 450 roads will be concretised and the health infrastructure in the city will be strengthened, the chief minister said. Speaking on the occasion, deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said cities are centres of growth which generate employment. Under the Swachha Maharashtra campaign, the state's urban areas would be completely transformed, he said. The campaign is modelled on the Union government's Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. It will be carried out from October 2 to December 31 and best-performing
The man who helmed the Swachh Bharat mission once worked as a journalist and cut vegetables in a hotel
He will have a tenure of two years; incumbent Amitabh Kant's term ends on June 30.
Under the Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban 2.0 currently being implemented by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, plastic-waste management, including elimination of SUP, is a crucial area of focus
Modi also spoke about how the country overcame the Covid-19 pandemic and the economic crisis which followed
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said there was a need to prepare a list of cities where a blind eye has been turned towards the cleanliness campaign. Speaking after inaugurating the All India Mayors' Conference in Varanasi via video conferencing, he asked Union Minister for Housing and Urban Affairs Hardeep Singh Puri to not only give awards to the city excelling in 'swachata' (cleanliness) but also recognise those making earnest efforts in the field of cleanliness. As many as 120 mayors from across the country are participating in the conference whose theme is 'New Urban India'. Modi welcomed them as the host in the capacity of being a Lok Sabha member from Varanasi. He said that there was need to prepare a list of cities which have turned a blind eye towards the 'swachata abhiyan' and towards other civic amenities. In his address, Modi also suggested hosting a "Nadi Utsav" (river festival) for a week every year involving local citizens. The prime minister also mooted the
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday launched the second phase of the Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban and Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation
PM Modi said that the journey of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and AMRUT Mission so far is going to make every countryman proud.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch Swacchh Bharat Mission Urban 2.0 on October 1, a senior official in the Union Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry said on Friday
Accurate data on sanitation behaviour and toilet use can be captured if surveys ask questions on sanitation practices of all individuals in a household instead of one member, say experts
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