The Allahabad High Court has granted interim anticipatory bail to former Union minister Swami Chinmayanand in a rape case till the next date of hearing and directed the victim and the state government to file their replies within four weeks. Justice Samit Gopal passed the order on Monday after hearing Senior Advocate Anoop Trivedi, counsel for petitioner Swami Chinmayanand. He submitted that Swami Chinmayanand is a 75-year-old man and has been falsely implicated in the case. Chinmayanand does not have any criminal history. The former MP is also running several medical and educational institutions and is a person of high political and spiritual value, Trivedi said. Additional Advocate General MC Chaturvedi and Additional Government Advocate AK Sand opposed the bail application on behalf of the state government. Chinamayanand is accused of raping the victim, by taking her hostage in his ashram in the year 2011.
A special MP-MLA court here has directed the police to arrest former Union minister Swami Chinmayanand Saraswati and produce him before it on December 9 after he failed to appear despite a Supreme Court order. The court issued an arrest warrant against Chinmayanand in a case of sexual exploitation lodged against him by his disciple at a police station here, special government counsel Neelima Saxena told PTI on Thursday. His advocate gave an application saying Chinmayanand has filed an application for anticipatory bail in the high court, which is to be heard on December 6. Therefore, he should be given time to appear, but Judge Asma Sultana refused to give time, Saxena said. The judge said Chinmayanand was given time to surrender on November 30 by the Supreme Court but he did not appear, so this period cannot be extended. The court has directed police to arrest and produce him before the court on December 9, Saxena said. In 2011, on a complaint from his disciple, a case of sexual .
SC set aside an Allahabad HC order allowing former Union Minister Chinmayanand to get a copy of statement of a woman law student recorded before a magistrate in connection with a rape case against him
A bench of Justices Ashok Bhushan and Naveen Sinha rejected the plea saying that the Allahabad High Court has given reasons in its order granting bail to Chinmayanand and it requires no interference
The bench said it would consider hearing the appeal of the alleged victim next Monday
The order directed Chinmayanand to file an undertaking stating that he shall not seek any adjournment on the date fixed for evidence when the witnesses are present in court.
Chinmayanand was arrested on September 20
From Swami Chinmayanand's bail hearing to Q2 result of BoB, Nestle India, here are the top news events of the to watch out for
The SIT also submitted 79 evidences and told the court that it had cross-examined 105 people during the investigations
She was arrested around 9.15 a.m. from her home by the Special Investigation Team of the Uttar Pradesh Police
The BJP leader was arrested by the special investigation team (SIT) of Uttar Pradesh police from his residence 'Divya Dham'
Once he was entangled, incriminated, and arrested for the alleged rape of a law student, who claimed to have come out after long victimisation, Chinmayanand had no escape route
A post graduate student from Shahjahanpurhas accused Chinmayanand of rape
The three men arrested earlier for extortion have told the SIT that they sent messages to Chinmayanand in panic on the student's directions when the demanded money was not delivered
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