Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K Palaniswami on Tuesday unveiled the portraits of freedom fighters V O Chidambaram, P Subbarayan and Omandur Ramasamy Reddiyar in the state Assembly.
Superstar Rajinikanth on Thursday asserted that he would launch his political party in January 2021, ending years of suspense and in a big morale booster to his supporters and fans
NEET, NEP and the state's actions in containing the pandemic are among the issues set to be raised by Congress in the 3-day session of the Tamil Nadu Assembly
The three-day monsoon session of the Tamil Nadu Assembly commenced on Monday at the Kalaivanar auditorium here, amidst demand by the opposition DMK for a ban on NEET in the state
The founder of one of Tamil Nadu's oldest and biggest appliances retail chains had been admitted to hospital after developing symptoms
The next session of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly is likely to be held out of the historic Fort St. George, owing to the threat of Covid-19
The condition of 62-year old MLA, who has been fighting for his life with severe Covid-19 pneumonia rapidly deteriorated early this morning
The floor is expected to witness a lot of drama as DMK-led Opposition will raise the issue of 13 people being killed in police firing during anti-Sterlite protests, among other things
TTV Dhinakaran, who has won the RK Nagar bye-election with a lead of over 40,000 votes, will be seen making his entry into the Assembly
Speaker refused to discuss bribery allegations against AIADMK MLAs
Ruckus in the House as AIADMK factions clash before Palaniswami floor test; Speaker walks out
The request have been forwarded to the govt for approval
Congress has eight MLAs in the 234-member House
Support to Palaniswami camp shrinks to 122