Afghanistan has re-emphasised its commitment to start Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) project soon.Meanwhile, some economists say that the implementation of the TAPI project will provide job opportunities for around 12,000 people in Afghanistan, according to Tolo News.The Taliban say that the practical work of the TAPI project will begin in the near future and all the preliminary work has been prepared for its implementation.Bilal Karimi, the deputy spokesman for the Taliban, said that work on the security and financial sectors of the project has been partially completed and that practical work on the project will begin as the weather warms up."The TAPI project should be implemented in a good way, and the Islamic Emirate is well prepared for its financial part. From our side, its technical and logistical problems have been solved," he said."The TAPI project is one of the biggest projects in the whole region, we are very sorry that we have not been able to start this ...
Political turmoil Afghanistan has compounded the completion of Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India Pipeline, also known as Trans-Afghanistan pipeline incompletion for three decades.The major gas pipeline project is known as TAPI for Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India--has yet to be completed despite being "in progress" for the past three decades. During this time Afghanistan has seen the collapse and establishment of various governments, according to Tolo News.Also, Afghanistan Deputy Prime Minister Adbul Salam Hanafi met with Turkmenistan's Deputy Foreign Minister Wafa Khadzhiev on Saturday and discussed bilateral co-operation including restarting the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India project in Afghanistan.Earlier, the leaders of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and India in 2010, 2015 and 2018 discussed TAPI.The latest meeting over TAPI was held in 2018, in which several other projects including electric power facilities, a railway, and fiber optics were ...
Ghani didn't detail security arrangements and only briefly suggested that local authorities would be responsible for the pipeline's safety
The quartet aims to complete the 1,840-kilometre (1,143-mile) pipeline and begin pumping natural gas from Turkmenistan's giant Galkynysh gas field by the beginning of 2020
The project aims to transport 33 billion cubic metres of natural gas per year through a 1,820-km pipeline from Turkmenistan to India
The agreement to operate the 1,814 km long gas pipeline was signed last month in Istanbul.