Faced with a severe resource crunch, the Andhra Pradesh government has revised the tax collection targets to mop up an additional Rs 1,700 crore during the current financial year
The government is expecting a 'robust' tax revenue in the current fiscal on the back of better-than-expected corporate sector performance, Revenue Secretary Tarun Bajaj said
Could mean India will have to withdraw 2% equalisation levy on firms by 2023
While govt made Rs 1.16 trn more revenue, it spent Rs 1.18 trn more on food subsidy too. But it can be said that the govt used the gains it made to settle FCI arrears once and for all
A look at select countries - four advanced economies, three emerging markets and India - shows the extent to which corporate taxes help governments
OECD is trying to forge a deal among 139 countries on its plan by this summer
The Lok Sabha was informed on Monday
The share of cesses and surcharges in the gross tax revenue of the Centre has nearly doubled to 19.9 per cent in 2020-21 from 10.4 per cent in 2011-12
Cite constraints on revenue, already hit by Covid lockdowns; 'ball in Centre's court'
36 paise from borrowings and other liabilities for every rupee in the government coffer
To help resolve tax disputes, a majority of respondents feel that a mediation scheme should be introduced in the Budget to help in negotiating settlements.
Revenue from disinvestment has been Rs 17,958 crore this financial year, against a target of Rs 2.10 trillion
The Covid pandemic-induced lockdown and consequent slump in economic activity will hit tax collections of states, Crisil said
Wants borrowing limit of states to be raised to 5%, extension of period under tax loss carry forward, among other things
Gross tax revenues may be projected at around Rs 23.65 trn in the Budget, back-of-the-envelope calculations suggest
Outstanding debt was Rs 107.04 trn, 13.12% more than Rs 94.62 trn at FY20-end
A large autonomous driver of liquidity has been RBI intervention in the foreign exchange markets.
Experts estimate full year's fiscal deficit between 7 per cent and 9 per cent of GDP against 3.5 per cent estimated earlier by the government