The use of secured messaging applications like Signal, Telegram, Viber and the dark Web besides end-to-end encrypted WhatsApp by radical elements to connect with like-minded individuals is proving to be a "major challenge" for security agencies to counter online radicalisation, government said on Wednesday. Replying to a question in the Rajya Sabha, Minister of State for Home Affairs Nityanand Rai said as the extensive use of cyber technology is the main tool for propagating radical ideology, cyberspace is being monitored ceaselessly. The minister said at present, apart from state police, the NIA is investigating 67 cases relating to online radicalisation. In these cases, 325 accused have been arrested, 336 accused have been charge-sheeted and 63 accused have been convicted so far. "Cyber patrolling is done on a regular basis to identify and monitor such content and entities which are targeting gullible/depressed/ alienated youth," the minister said. He said websites and accounts .
All Indian nationals have safely crossed over to Lebanon and will return by available commercial flights to India
In addition to Meta's ongoing detection and enforcement against scams, the company is also working with open-source researchers at Graphika to find and disrupt scams
A case has been registered against four Telegram channels for allegedly spreading misleading information to incite students and disturb law and order during the protest outside the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) here, police said on Sunday. The Telegram channels against whom the FIR has been registered are PCM Abhyas, General Studies Edushala, Make IAS, and PCS Manthan, they said. The FIR was registered under Section 318 (4) (cheating) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) and under the IT Act at Civil Lines police station on Thursday on a complaint lodged by Krishna Murari Chaurasia, in-charge of UPPSC police outpost, police said. According to the FIR, misleading information was uploaded and circulated by various Telegram channels to incite students so that law and order could be disturbed. Screenshots of the said channels have been attached with the complaint as evidence. The students began their protest outside the UPPSC office on November 11 against its decisio
Telegram said it was unable to search for leaks on its own but agreed to delete the data if the insurer helped
Probing a possible Khalistani link to the explosion near a CRPF school in Rohini, the Delhi Police on Monday wrote to the social messaging app Telegram, seeking information about a 'channel' which claimed that the blast was in retaliation to the "targeting" of pro-Khalistan separatists allegedly by Indian agents. Police sources also said that the CCTV footage of a suspect from the night before the incident was recovered and more than two dozen people spotted near the site just before the explosion have been questioned. Hours after the blast on Sunday, a purported Telegram post by a channel named 'Justice League India' was circulated on social media. The post had a video of the blast with a "Khalistan Zindabad" watermark at the bottom. "If Indian coward agency and their master think they can hire filthy goons to target our members to silence our voice then they live in fools world. They can't imagine how close we are to them and how capable we are to strike anytime #KhalistanZindabad
Recently, there was a data breach at Star Health & Allied Insurance's servers and reportedly sensitive data of 31 million customers were put up for sale
Trai chief Anil Lahoti called for regulators across the globe to strike a balance between fostering innovation and maintaining a fair marketplace, given the cross-border nature of OTT services
Messaging app Telegram has taken decisive action against bots that were reported for sharing sensitive data related to Star Health and Allied Insurance Company, and is actively keeping an eye on their re-emergence, a company statement said. "The bots reported to Telegram for sharing Star Health data were immediately removed and moderators are monitoring to prevent them from being recreated. The sharing of private information on Telegram is expressly forbidden and such content is deleted whenever it is found," the statement said. Last month, Star Health had sent a legal notice to Telegram, accusing it of hosting chatbots that shared the leaked data, the statement said, adding that Telegram has consistently maintained its stance on data privacy and cooperation with the investigation. Telegram, in a note titled "Is blaming the Intermediary the new norm in Data Breach Incidents?", said it is becoming increasingly clear that Star Health may have tried to pass the buck to Telegram and ...
Investigation comes after the hacker, an individual dubbed xenZen, publicly asserted on his website that the executive had 'sold all this data to me'
While it's unclear if the website was made by the same individual Star Health sued, the hacker claims that a senior Star Health official sold the data and later tried to renegotiate terms
Star also sued Telegram and hacker xenZen, after it was reported that sensitive personal data, from numbers to copies of identity cards and blood reports of customers, were publicly accessible
Star Health has sued Telegram and a hacker for leaking sensitive data via chatbots on the platform, which has recently been under increased scanner for its policies
Ukraine restrict the use of Telegram in government agencies, military formations, and critical infrastructure facilities
Using the chatbots enabled downloading policy and claims documents featuring names, phone numbers, addresses, tax details, copies of ID cards, test results and medical diagnoses
Ukraine has banned government officials, military personnel and other defence and critical infrastructure workers from installing the popular Telegram messaging app on state-issued devices, describing the move as necessary for national security during the war with Russia. Ukraine's National Cybersecurity Coordination Centre said it issued the ban for the official devices of government employees, military personnel, security and defence workers, and critical infrastructure employees. The ban was announced Friday by Ukraine's Security and Defence Council in a statement on Facebook. During a meeting on Thursday, the Security Service of Ukraine and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said Telegram is actively used by Russia for cyberattacks, phishing, spreading malware, establishing user locations and calibrating missile strikes. An exception to the ban will be allowed for people who use the app in their official duties. Ukrainians are free to use the app in their personal
The Star Health chatbots feature a welcome message stating they are "by xenZen" and have been operational since at least Aug. 6, said UK-based security researcher Jason Parker
The accident happened in the Novooskolsky district of the region of the Belgorod region
The drone attacks damaged at least two high-rise apartment buildings in the Ramenskoye district of the Moscow region
The Bombay High Court ordered the deletion of false information following the circulation of fake videos featuring NSE's MD and CEO Ashishkumar Chauhan