In light of Telegram Chief Pavel Durov's arrest in Paris for offences related to his messaging app, IT Ministry has asked the Ministry of Home Affairs for an update on where things stand in the Indian context and if there are any violations here as well, sources said. An email query sent to IT Ministry on the issue, elicited no immediate reply. Sources, meanwhile, said, "In light of what has happened in France, IT Ministry has asked Ministry of Home Affairs to check on complaints pending against Telegram and what action can be taken." They pointed out that IT Ministry is not an investigating agency in this regard, and that even CERT-In under the Ministry focuses on cybersecurity offences not cybercrimes per se. "The basic question here is are there any complaints, is there similar situation in India, and what is the status, and what action is required," according to sources. Asked if Telegram, being a messaging app, can cite safe harbour clause, sources said in that case they will
The 39-year-old Russian-born billionaire was stopped on Saturday at Le Bourget airport north of Paris, according to a statement from Paris prosecutor Laure Beccuau
The 39-year-old billionaire is suspected of failing to take steps to prevent criminal use of Telegram, AFP said, adding he's expected to appear in court on Sunday
French President Emmanuel Macron said Monday that the arrest in France of the CEO of the popular messaging app Telegram, Pavel Durov, wasn't a political move but part of an independent investigation. In France's first public comment on the arrest, Macron posted on the social media platform X that his country is deeply committed to freedom of expression but freedoms are upheld within a legal framework, both on social media and in real life, to protect citizens and respect their fundamental rights. He said the arrest is in no way a political decision. It is up to the judges to rule on the matter. French media reported that Durov was detained at a Paris airport on Saturday on an arrest warrant alleging his platform has been used for money laundering, drug trafficking and other offenses.
Durov, who has dual French and United Arab Emirates citizenship, was arrested as part of a preliminary police investigation into allegedly allowing wide range of crimes to be committed using Telegram
Telegram issued a statement on its platform and on X, formerly known as Twitter, saying the Dubai-based company abides by European laws
Telegram founder Pavel Durov said that he plans to 'open-source his DNA' so that his biological children can find each other more easily
Microsoft's Copilot AI chatbot on Telegram is available in beta with restrictions on certain functions and works only on text prompts
It has barred 17 entities and individuals from the securities market for five years and two others for three years each for allegedly operating a pump and dump scheme
One of Telegram's main rivals, Meta Platforms' WhatsApp, has more than 2 billion monthly active users
Australia's online safety regulator has put social media giants on notice, requiring them to explain what they are doing to protect people from violent extremists and terrorists. The country's eSafety regulator announced Tuesday that it had issued legal notices to Google, Meta, X, WhatsApp, Telegram and Reddit requiring each company to report on steps they are taking to protect Australian users of their platforms from extremist material online. Accessing violent and extremist content on social media has been blamed for the radicalisation of the perpetrator of the 2019 Christchurch mosque shootings, which killed 51 people, and also a gunman who murdered 10 black Americans at Buffalo in New York in 2022. Both shooters also live-streamed parts of their attacks online. According to Australia's eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant the risk of terrorism and online radicalisation remains high both in Australia and internationally. "The tech companies that provide these services have a .
Mobile messaging platform Telegram has banned 2,114 groups and channels related to child abuse content, according to a Telegram channel 'Stop Child Abuse'. The instant messaging platform is one of three entities to which the government on Friday issued notices to remove child sexual abuse material in India. "2,114 groups and channels related to child abuse banned on October 6. Total this month: 10,312," the update on the channel said. The company did not share the break up of banned groups linked or having an impact on Indian jurisdiction. Minister of State for Electronics and IT, Rajiv Chandrasekhar had warned that if social media intermediaries do not act swiftly, their 'safe harbour' under section 79 of the IT Act would be withdrawn, implying that the platforms can be directly prosecuted under the applicable laws and rules even though the content may have not been uploaded by them. Telegram in response to the notice said it is always committed to upholding legal and ethical ...
As reported earlier, law enforcement agencies have recorded an uptick in cybercrime against children with an increasing use of artificial intelligence
The government has issued notices to social media platforms X, formerly Twitter, YouTube and Telegram to remove child sexual abuse material from their platforms in India, an official statement said on Friday. Minister of State for Electronics and IT, Rajiv Chandrasekhar said if social media intermediaries do not act swiftly, their 'safe harbour' under section 79 of the IT Act would be withdrawn, implying that the platforms can be directly prosecuted under the applicable laws and rules even though the content may have not been uploaded by them. "Ministry of Electronics and IT has issued notices to social media intermediaries X, Youtube and Teleram, warning them to remove Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) from their platforms on the Indian internet. "The notices served to these platforms emphasize the importance of prompt and permanent removal or disabling of access to any CSAM on their platforms," the statement said. The notices also call for the implementation of proactive measure
Fair-share fee payment by large over-the-top players to telecom operators will enhance consumer experience with better quality networks without violating net neutrality principles, industry body COAI said on Wednesday. The Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI), which represents telecom operators like Reliance Jio, Bharti Airtel etc, said that it is a misguided view that fair share charge on large traffic generating (LTG) OTTs will violate net neutrality principles. "Payment of fair share fee by Large Traffic Generating OTTs to TSPs will eventually enhance customer satisfaction, as end-users will benefit via better network quality and improved services," COAI, Director General, SP Kochhar said in a statement. Meanwhile, industry body Broadband India Forum, which represents players in the broadband ecosystem, in its counter comment to the telecom regulator Trai has said that claim to mandate over-the-top (OTT) players to pay for network usage fees and the government's intent
Interception clause, platforms believe, may eliminate security benefits of end-to-end encryption
A 42-year-old software professional from Maharashtra's Thane district lost Rs 17.2 lakh after he was scammed by two persons who promised him easy money through a part-time job, an official said on Thursday. A man and a woman got in touch with the complainant, who is employed with a top Indian IT firm, on August 3 and offered him a part-time job related to hotel bookings, the official said. The duo sent him a link through the Telegram app to carry out the job, the police said. The techie was first told to make some payment towards registration. The duo then smooth-talked him to pay more on some pretext or the other promising him easy money. After extracting Rs 17.28 lakh from the IT professional over the next few days, the duo became evasive when he asked them about the money promised to him, the official said. Based on a complaint from the techie, the Ambernath police on Tuesday registered a case under the IT Act. The police gave the names of the accused as Rahul Sharma and Sneha.
Telegram users can share images and videos, add links and captions, as well as tag people and comment on other people's 'stories'
Popular applications like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Telegram are likely to be among the apps under consideration for a selective ban