More people enrolled themselves in the voters' list for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections in the 'third gender' category but only 27 per cent of them turned up at the polling stations, according to Election Commission data. According to the data issued by the poll authority last week, 48,194 people were eligible to vote as third gender elector in 2024, compared to 39,075 in 2019 -- an increase of 23.5 per cent over the five-year period. But only 13,058 of them actually exercised their franchise, which comes to 27 per cent of the total registered third gender electors. As per the data, Tamil Nadu had the highest number of registered third gender elector -- 8,467. But only 2,709 cast vote. Their overall participation in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections was 14.64 per cent -- almost half as compared to the latest parliamentary polls. There have been reports that several enrolled third gender voters have expressed reluctance to queue up at polling booths, claiming that they are viewed with dis
The only transgender candidate in the first phase of Jharkhand polls, Nagma Rani, exercised her franchise on Wednesday and expressed hope that voters would support her in winning the election. Thirty-five-year-old Rani is contesting the Hatia assembly seat, where she is up against BJP's Navin Jaiswal and Congress' Ajay Nath Shahdeo. "I have exercised my vote and hope to win the election," she said after casting her vote at booth No-64 in Don Bosco School, Hesag, in Ranchi district. "I was surprised to see the support of people during the campaign. I hope the support will go in my favour," she said. Rani is among a total of 683 candidates609 men and 73 womencontesting in the first phase of polls across 43 seats in 15 districts of Jharkhand. A history graduate from Magadh University in Bihar, Rani said, "If I win, I will work for the all-round development of the constituency. I will also make efforts to ensure that deserving students from Jharkhand do not have to leave the state for
Former Chief Justice of India (CJI), Justice UU Lalit, on Thrusday said the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer) community is not entitled to claim "vertical' sort of constitutional reservations like those given to the Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC), or Economically Weaker Section (EWS)".Speaking at an event, the former CJI, however, said the community might claim a "horizontal reservation status on the lines of the ones for women and disabled people", according to a press release.Justice Lalit, who retired as the 49th CJI in November 2022, make the remarks in answer to a query during the Q & A session after delivering a special lecture on Affirmative Action and Constitution of India' at the India International University of Legal Education and Research (IIULER) in Goa.On whether the LGBTQ community will ever come under the ambit of constitutional affirmative action/reservation, Justice Latit, who is also the Principal ..
The high court bench observed that the Telangana Eunuchs Act violated the human rights of the third-gender community
According to the report, Utah, a state with traditionally 'conservative social values', tops three out of five search term categories -- 'Am I gay', 'Am I lesbian', and 'Am I trans' since last May
While the new study confirms that transgender individuals are more likely to use mental health treatments, it also shows that gender-affirming therapy might reduce this risk
Sarah Hawkes said that gender inequality was related to wide spectrum like expression and identity and was not just about male and female