Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday raised with his Australian counterpart Anthony Albanese the issue of recent attacks on temples in Australia even as the two leaders focused on concluding an ambitious trade pact by this year and bolster security cooperation in the Indo-Pacific during their first summit talks. The two sides inked four agreements providing for cooperation in areas of sports, innovation, audio-visual production and solar power following the talks between Modi and Albanese. The discussions were focused on boosting cooperation in clean energy, trade and investment, defence and security, critical minerals, migration and mobility, supply chains, education, culture and sports. In his media statement, Modi said it is a matter of regret that reports of attacks on temples have come regularly from Australia over the past few weeks and that it is natural that such news worries everyone in India. "It is a matter of regret that reports of attacks on temples have come regular
Interview with Tom Albanese
Interview with CEO, Vedanta Ltd