The changes will be implemented from May 31 onward, according to Indian Railways
500,000 tickets booked in three hours for 200 trains starting on June 1
It said the general (GS) coaches shall also have reserved seats for sitting, meaning there will be no unreserved coach in these trains
Earlier, the Railways said that no waiting list tickets will be booked and passengers with confirmed tickets will be allowed to board the train
The agents will sell unreserved tickets through the computerised system, the official said, adding that they will get a commission
Railways said the move to hike prices of meals was to give passengers more variety and improve hygiene and quality of food
Amid push by the government on digital payments, a study byonline portal RailYatri has found that more than half of the train tickets inIndia are purchased in cash. "And this is not because the train travellers necessarilyprefer it that way, but the sale of reserved train tickets through authorizedagents (contributing an estimated half of reserved ticket sales) continues tobe in cash. The primary cause for this is the dis-incentive eco-system whichrewards cash while penalizing online transactions," Railyatri said in itsreport based on a countrywide survey of consumers and ticketing agents. The study found that the rule of imposing a cap on PaymentGateway (PG) charges at 0.7 per cent (for train tickets prices less than Rs.2000) is completely out of tune with the average bank charges, which the agentshave to pay. According to RailYatri, the typical PG charges varies between 1.5per cent to 2 per cent depending on the provider, with most providers fallingon the higher side. Agents, ...