Sebi has acknowledged that investors could be facing issues using the UPI payment method
The firm said a new version with the fix will be available shortly for the affected users
UPI has seen exponential growth between March 2018 and March 2019
The amount transacted through BHIM until February was Rs 5,624 crore
The move will help reduce the time period between closing of an initial public offering (IPO) and listing of the security from six working days to just three working days
UPI 2.0 is also expected to boost the value of transactions
The first version of UPI was launched in 2016
Lakhs of people have monetarily benefitted from the government's digital payments push
Value of transactions rose 22% from Rs 332 bn to Rs 408 bn between May and June
DocsApp has also facilitated direct payment from the mobile balance, a mode of payment used largely by the rural populace
According to a media report, loopholes in the UPI app have been exploited by cyber criminals
A group of top secretaries formed by the Centre post demonetisation has advised the government to undertake such initiatives
Transactions through UPI were not picking up as daily transactions through the platform stood at a moderate figure of 10,000
A customer's multiple bank accounts can be added to a single bank's UPI app
The launch was delayed by around a month from the July 31 deadline set by NPCI because some lenders were not prepared