While UBI posted a net loss of around Rs 6,700 crore in the quarter ending March 2020 (Q4FY20), OBC logged a net loss of around Rs 2,700 crore, an executive said, requesting anonymity.
The ecosystem is favourable to us because of the developments over the last two months. Therefore, we will have to work in converting that confidence into business relationships, says Rao
The government on Friday unveiled a mega plan to merge 10 public sector banks into four as part of plans to create fewer and stronger global-sized lenders
A part of the officers' union and workman union abstained from the issue
UBI proposes to get the board's nod for the issue of five crore equity shares in the form of ESOPs/ESPs in one or more tranches
UBI's net NPA in the March quarter 2016 was 9.04%; it was 6.22% in the previous quarter. GNPAs were 13.26%