A case has been registered against four Telegram channels for allegedly spreading misleading information to incite students and disturb law and order during the protest outside the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) here, police said on Sunday. The Telegram channels against whom the FIR has been registered are PCM Abhyas, General Studies Edushala, Make IAS, and PCS Manthan, they said. The FIR was registered under Section 318 (4) (cheating) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) and under the IT Act at Civil Lines police station on Thursday on a complaint lodged by Krishna Murari Chaurasia, in-charge of UPPSC police outpost, police said. According to the FIR, misleading information was uploaded and circulated by various Telegram channels to incite students so that law and order could be disturbed. Screenshots of the said channels have been attached with the complaint as evidence. The students began their protest outside the UPPSC office on November 11 against its decisio
The students on Friday ended their agitation, a day after the UPPSC agreed to their demand to conduct the Provincial Civil Services Preliminary Examination on a single day. The agitation was going on since November 11 to demand that exams be held on one single day. The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) on Friday announced that the Provincial Civil Services (PCS) Preliminary Exam-2024 will be held on December 22 in two shifts. Giving this information, UPPSC Secretary Ashok Kumar said earlier the PCS Preliminary Examination was proposed for December 7 and December 8. Now it will be conducted on December 22 in two sessions -- in the first session from 9.30 am to 11.30 am and in the second session from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm. Despite the announcement, 10-15 people are still sitting on dharna in front of the UPPSC office. The police said they will find out who these people are. ACP (Civil Lines) Shyamjeet Singh said student leader Pankaj Pandey has formally announced the end
Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav on Tuesday said the BJP kept people preoccupied with the struggle for livelihood so it could carry out its communal politics. He said that jobs will only be created when the BJP is ousted. "If the BJP had governed with the same intensity with which it is running the bulldozer of injustice, today its members wouldn't have to hide in their homes, fearing the anger of students," he said. Yadav's remarks come amid ongoing protests by aspirants in Prayagraj over the decision of the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) to conduct the Review Officer (RO) and Assistant Review Officer (ARO) and Provincial Civil Service (PCS) preliminary exams on different dates. "For years, either vacancies are not released, or the examination process is delayed. The BJP has distracted students from their studies and forced them to protest in the streets," the former Uttar Pradesh chief minister wrote in a post on X. "Today, the atmosphere has become Yogi vs.
The Congress on Tuesday alleged that police in Prayagraj lathi-charged students raising their voice against the "arbitrariness" of the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission and claimed that earlier also attempts have been made to suppress the voice of the youth demanding jobs. Congress general secretary in-charge communications Jairam Ramesh said it is unfortunate that "lathi charge" was done on students protesting for their demands in Prayagraj. The students raising their voice against the "arbitrariness" of the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) should be heard carefully, he said in a post in Hindi on X. "This is not the first time that BJP is trying to suppress the voice of youth in this way. Earlier also, attempts have been made to suppress their voice for demanding jobs or protesting against recruitment scams and paper leaks," Ramesh claimed. Understanding these problems of the youth, the Congress party had talked about taking concrete initiatives under the Yuva
The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has postponed the UPPSC PCS Prelims 2024 exam. Initially scheduled for October, the exam is now expected to be held in mid-December 2024
The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has declared the Combined State Agriculture Service (Prelims) Exam 2024 results today. Here's the steps to check and download
The UPPSC PCS result was released on January 23, 2024. Candidate can check their result on the official website at uppsc.up.nic.in
UPPSC PCS2022 result announced, eight out of top ten candidates are girls, UPPSC declared PCS-22 result in just 10 months for the first time
UPPSC PCS Prelims 2019 will be held on December 15. Here's all you need to know
Candidates who appeared for the UPPSC Combined Junior Engineer Exam can check their roll number on UPPSC's official website - uppsc.up.nic.in.
UPPSC PCS Recruitment 2019 is now open for 364 posts. Interested candidates can apply on or before November 11, 2019
UPPSC had invited applicants for a total of 10,768 vacant posts, out of which 5,404 vacancies are for women branch