Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Thursday alleged that Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, was trying to seek support from "urban Naxals and anarchists" by holding a "red book" in his hand. Notably, Gandhi, the leader of opposition in the Lok Sabha, has been displaying an abridged version of the Constitution in a red cover during his rallies. The state assembly polls are scheduled on November 20. During his visit to Nagpur on Wednesday, Gandhi carried a copy of the Constitution in his hand at an event where he once again advocated for a caste census, saying the exercise will happen in the country and it will show the injustice meted out to Dalits, OBCs and Adivasis. Asked about the LoP seeking a caste census in the country, Fadnavis on Thursday told reporters here, "My allegations made two days back against Rahul Gandhi have proved true about his inclination towards 'urban Naxals'. He showed the red book and tried seeking help (politically) from urban Naxals and ...
Attacking the Hemant Soren-led JMM coalition for "fuelling Naxalism," Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Sunday asserted that the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led Union government will eliminate the menace from the face of the country by March 2026. Shah expressed confidence that the NDA would form the government in Jharkhand, claiming it would win at least 52 out of 81 assembly seats based on the calculations from the recently held Lok Sabha elections. "It is time to oust the anti-Dalit, anti-tribal, anti-poor, and anti-youth Hemant government from Jharkhand, which is fuelling Naxalism for petty political gains," he said while addressing a rally in Simaria, Chatra district. "We uprooted the menace from Jharkhand during the last five years, and now the Prime Minister Modi-led Centre will wipe out Naxalism from India by March 2026." Accusing the Soren government of devouring funds meant for poor and tribals, he said the BJP once voted to power will put all corrupt Jharkhand leaders ..
BJP national president and Union Health Minister JP Nadda on Saturday said the Congress is a "power hungry" party, it has no "Sanskar" and its leader Rahul Gandhi is speaking the language of urban naxals, which was unfortunate. Addressing a gathering of the party workers on the occasion of inauguration of the newly built office of the BJP at Nahan, the district headquarter of Sirmour in Himachal Pradesh, Nadda said the BJP is not a political party merely to fight elections and rule the country but it is an "ideological establishment" that has a vision for the country. Five generations have dedicated their lives to bring the BJP's ideology to the present "shining" level. Many heads of foreign countries and ambassadors came to the BJP headquarter at Delhi to enquire about the "ideological rise" of the biggest political party of the world, he said. He said the Congress came into existence to fight for the country's freedom and after Independence, Mahatma Gandhi had suggested to disband
Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Sunday said "urban Naxals" have infiltrated some NGOs and are setting up false narratives against the government. Addressing a rally for BJP Konkan Graduates constituency candidate Niranjan Davkhare in the MLC polls, he asked NDA functionaries to be alert and not smug like in the run up to the Lok Sabha polls, which the ruling alliance was expected to win resoundingly but ended up with an underwhelming performance. "Naxals are not just in Gadchiroli. Urban Naxals have entered NGOs and have systematically set up false narratives against the government. While not all NGOs are problematic, some are clearly anti-government. They actively spread falsehoods about our (ruling) alliance," Shinde said. Attacking the opposition parties, he said their efforts to undermine the achievements of the NDA government at the Centre failed in the Lok Sabha polls. "Our mandate is secure and Narendra Modi is prime minister for a third term. Their (opposition)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said 'Urban Naxals' were trying to gain entry into Gujarat by changing their appearance, but the state will not allow them to destroy the lives of youth. The PM was speaking after laying the foundation stone of the country's first bulk drug park in Gujarat's Bharuch district. "Urban Naxals are trying to enter the state with new appearances. They have changed their costumes. They are misleading our innocent and energetic youth into following them," Modi said in a veiled attack on the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) which is trying to make inroads into Gujarat ahead of the state Assembly polls due later this year. The Urban Naxals are setting foot from above. We won't let them destroy our young generation. We should warn our children against the Urban Naxals who have taken up the task of destroying the country. They are agents of foreign powers. Gujarat will not bow down its head against them, Gujarat will destroy them," the PM said. Modi also said when h
Government leaders are talking about the subversive intent of "Urban Naxalites" or of "Khalistanis" alleged to have infiltrated the movement
Four Naxals belonging to the banned People's Liberation Front of India outfit have been arrested in Jharkhand's Simdega district and arms and ammunition seized from their possession, police said
After the arrests of five activists last week, the term Urban Naxal has gained wide currency