India has initiated a probe into an alleged dumping of flasks and bottles by Chinese firms in the country following a complaint by a domestic player. The move is aimed at protecting domestic players from cheap imports of 'vacuum insulated flasks or vessels of stainless steel' from the neighbouring country. The probe was started after a complaint by Placero International Pvt Ltd was received, which stated that the domestic industry is getting injured due to an increase in dumped imports. Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR), the commerce ministry's investigation arm, is probing the dumping of this product originating in or exported from China. The products under consideration for the probe include flasks, cups, bottles, kettle, carafe, and dispensers. According to a DGTR notification, there is prima facie evidence of injury being caused to the domestic industry by dumped imports from China. "The authority, hereby, initiates an anti-dumping investigation" on the imports, th
President Donald Trump had imposed heavy tariffs on imported steel and aluminium which he said were necessary to boost the US industry suffering from "unfair" business practices
An investigation was carried out on a complaint by DAK Americas, Nan Ya Plastics Corporation, and Auriga Polymers
Washington held that the countries sold their goods in the US at 'less than fair value,' according to a statement