Other migrants said they would consider staying in Mexico
US policies helped create the refugee crisis in Central America. Better ones can help resolve it
There are about 2,350 active-duty troops performing the US-Mexico border mission, which began October 30
The administration appeared to be looking into just such a solution: using extraordinary emergency powers to get around Congress in funding the wall
Trump said he is ready for the lawsuit and asserted that he will win it
The president's walkout from the meeting at the White House on Wednesday afternoon opens a new phase of political uncertainty in the US
President Donald Trump has floated the idea that the military build his much-touted border wall
It's a small leap from a 'state of emergency' at the border to martial law throughout the country
Trump made the comparison amid the controversy generated by his adamant demand for lawmakers to allocate $5 billion in the federal budget to build portions of the wall
Trump has previously threatened to close the border to prevent Central American immigrants reaching the United States
Trump has made cracking down on illegal immigration a keystone of his presidency
Before agreeing to provide legal status for 800,000 young immigrants, Trump will insist on constructing a wall across the southern border
Model version of the wall to come up in San Diego, California at a cost of $20 mn
Mexico and the United States have signed numerous agreements regulating the border
Criminalisation of informal border crossings occurred amid an immigration boom from Mexico