California is the most populous US state and it rewards the winner with 172 delegates
The Clintons have turned the politics of personal enrichment into an art form for themselves, he said
Bernie Sanders hoped a strong showing in California, the night's biggest prize, would raise doubts about Clinton's historic achievement
NBC's count was released one day ahead of the last major primary elections, which will go to the polls on Tuesday
The former secretary of state neared the brink of victory with a strong win yesterday in the island territory of Puerto Rico
The win will leave the former State of Secretary very close to secure her party's presidential nomination
Trump got embroiled in a fresh 'Trump University' controversy, with employees testified that the organisation was a fraudulent scheme
According to polls Clinton gets support from 49% of likely Democratic primary voters in the state, while Sanders gets 47%
A report released by the State Department has provided new ammunition to Clinton's critics to attack her for not being honest and trustworthy
Said that since he is the presumptive Republican nominee, it seems inappropriate to debate the second place finisher
Trump has the support of 43.4% of the general election registered voters, while 68-year-old Clinton has 43.2% in average
Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, had five times as much money, beginning the month with $30 million in the bank
Trump's current delegate count stands at 1107, just 130 delegates short of being officially declared as a presumptive nominee
Clinton has committed to capping family child care costs and expanding home-visiting programmes for parents of young children
Biden's remarks hold significance given that the Democratic presidential primary is still underway
He further said that those going public with 'no to VP' have never been considered as candidates
As a consolation, Hillary Clinton won the Nebraska primary, but she is not getting any delegate from it
Once considered as a future of the Republican party, Rubio withdrew himself from the White House race after he lost in his home state of Florida
Last week, Ryan, the country's top Republican, said that was not ready to back Trump
Clinton campaign's senior policy adviser alleged Trump's plan would cut millionaires' taxes to the lowest level in modern history