Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday said the investment proposals worth Rs 40 lakh crore received during last year's Global Investors Summit bear testimony to the growing interest of investors from across the globe in the state. These proposals not only signify the state's progress but also narrate its transformative development journey, reflect the state's progress and tell the story of its development journey, he said while speaking at an event here. "Over the past seven years, Uttar Pradesh has seen major changes that have improved its reputation both in India and around the world. As a result, investors from across the globe are now drawn to invest in the state. Investment proposals Rs 40 lakh crore received during last year's Global Investors Summit bear testimony to the growing interest of investors from across the globe in the state," he said. He said earlier (before BJP came to power), the state was struggling with a damaged reputation. "The state was kn
PM Modi's UP visit: These projects are expected to give an edge to Uttar Pradesh's economic push and are related to sectors including manufacturing, green energy, information technology
The projects relate to sectors like Manufacturing, Renewable Energy, IT and ITeS, Food Processing, Housing and Real Estate, Hospitality and Entertainment, and Education, among others
UP Industrial Development and Export Promotion Minister Nand Gopal Gupta Nandi said these projects were estimated to create 3.4 million fresh jobs
The global roadshows held in December 2022 netted about Rs 7-trillion investment proposals to the state
Earlier, the global roadshows had clocked investment proposals of about Rs 7 trillion from global biggies representing different continents and sectors
A total of 22 corporate entities from Gujarat have promised to invest Rs 40,000 crore in Uttar Pradesh, which would create 50,000 direct as well as indirect employment opportunities, a senior official from the country's most populous state said on Friday. These 22 memorandums of understanding (MoUs) amounting to Rs 40,000 crore were signed during the B2G meetings and roadshows organised by the Yogi Adityanath's government here on Friday, Navneet Sehgal, Additional Chief Secretary in UP's Sports and Youth Welfare department, said here on Friday. The roadshows and meets were organised here in the run up to UP Global Investors Summit to be held in Lucknow between February 10 and 12. "We have been successful in receiving investment proposals of Rs 40,000 crore from Gujarat. Through these MoUs, more than 50,000 employment opportunities will be created directly or indirectly in the state. At the same time, many other investors expressed their desire to invest several thousand crore rupees
Adityanath had sent eight teams abroad to hold international roadshows at 21 cities in 16 countries
Pitching Uttar Pradesh as a safe investment destination, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday assured industrialists of a strong law and order situation devoid of fear and free of land mafia. "You must have seen that before 2017, there used to be riots every other day, now the law and situation in the state is very strong. We formed an anti-land mafia task force and vacated over 64,000-hectare land from their clutches," the chief minister said. The chief minister told investors that today no goon can collect tax from any businessman or contractor or harass them in Uttar Pradesh. "Even political donations cannot be taken forcibly," he added. The chief minister is on an eight-city roadshow to promote the 3-day UP Global Investor Summit 2023 in Lucknow from February 10-12. "Our team has already visited 16 countries and 21 cities, inviting investors to come and visit the UP Global Investor Summit 2023. We have already garnered Rs 7.12 lakh crore investment intent for the state,"
The Uttar Pradesh government has signed a number of agreements with investors in Singapore ahead of a major global investors' summit in February, a state minister said here on Friday, as he sought Singapore's support for reaching at least USD 50 billion investment commitments target. Uttar Pradesh Minister for Jal Shakti and Flood Control Swatantra Dev Singh said he received a very encouraging response from his roadshows in Singapore and Sydney to promote the UP Global Investors Summit (UPGIS). His was one of the eight delegations sent to more than 16 countries by the UP government to promote the investors' summit, to be held in Lucknow from February 10-12, next year. At the Singapore roadshow on Friday, the UP government signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) to set the pace for Singapore investors to participate in the prosperity of UP. Since we are pitching for investments, SICCI will act as a bridge between ...
The Uttar Pradesh government will hold programmes in 20 countries in the coming months with an objective to attract investors ahead of the 'Global Investors Summit' in February 2023, according to officials. The countries where the UP government will hold road shows include Japan, Germany, Thailand, Mexico, South Africa, Brazil, Australia, France, Netherlands, Belgium, the UAE and Canada, a government official said. In the first leg, UP Industrial Development Minister Nand Gopal Gupta and Public Works Department Minister Jitin Prasada will be travelling to Europe in December, the official said. Gupta and Prasada will be touring Germany, Belgium and Sweden in Europe from December 9 to 14, according to an official communication sent by the UP government to the Ministry of External Affairs. "The UP Global Investors Summit 2023 is scheduled for February 10, 2023 in Lucknow. Prominent cities in 20 counties have been chosen for holding 'road shows' ahead of the summit with a view to ...
UP is among India's top producers and exporters of toys, leather goods, and textiles in the country
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday invited Tata group to participate in the Global Investors Summit slated for February next year while highlighting the environment created by the state for attracting investment. According to an official release, the chairman of industrial group Tata Sons, N. Chandrasekaran made a courtesy call on the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh at his official residence here during which discussions were held regarding future investment plans of Tata Sons in various areas of the state. Referring to state government plans to organize the Global Investors Summit in February 2023, the CM invited Tata Sons to participate in it. In the last five years, the state government has created a better environment for investment and entrepreneurship in the state by undertaking extensive reforms in various sectors, the CM stressed. Appreciating the efforts for holistic development of Uttar Pradesh N. Chandrasekaran said that a favorable environment has be
Moreover, the Yogi Adityanath government has launched a campaign to promote rural tourism to boost rural income and integrate the countryside in the state's tourism blueprint
Prime Minister Narendra Modi Friday said India is growing the fastest among the G-20 economies and has the capability to prove it's the "reliable partner" the world is looking for today.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday asked officials to organise a global investors' summit with the target of investing Rs 10 lakh crore in the state within the next two years.
The corridor will spread across six districts and create 2,50,000 jobs.
The biggest challenge for the Chief Minister is to deliver on the MoUs signed during the recent investors' summit