Water treatment player VA Tech WABAG Ltd has bagged an order worth Rs 1,000 crore from Indosol Solar Pvt Ltd to set up a sea water desalination plant, marking its foray into the solar photo-voltaic segment. According to the city-headquartered firm, the scope of the order includes engineering, procurement, design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the 100 million litre per day sea water desalination plant at the company's solar photo-voltaic manufacturing facility in neighbouring Andhra Pradesh. The project would be executed over a 38-month period and it would be followed by a 15-year Operation and Maintenance contract, the company said in statement on Tuesday. "This mega order marks WABAG's entry into the Solar PV sector which is a key segment for the future. WABAG's technological expertise, proven track record and competitive pricing enabled us to offer lowest life-cycle cost of water for Indosol Water," said VA Tech Wabag India Cluster, Head-Desalination, Saravana
Water treatment player VA Tech WABAG has secured an order from Saudi Water Authority worth USD 317 million (Rs 2,700 crore) for setting up a Mega Sea Water Desalination plant in Saudi Arabia, the company said on Friday. The Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning (EPCC) contract including design and supply of the 300 million litres per day mega desalination plant which would be developed on a greenfield site in the west coast of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Water Authority, formally known as the Saline Water Conversion Corporation, is responsible for regulating and monitoring water sector business and services to enhance water sustainability and achieve the objectives of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030. The project is expected to be completed in 30 months and the plant would operate Dual Media Filters followed by a two-pass Reverse Osmosis process and re-mineralisation to produce clean potable water. The plant would be built with the state-of-the-art desalination
The stock hit a new high after a gap of over nine years, on Monday. It surpassed its previous high of Rs 972.50 on March 17, 2015
The projects upon completion would ensure a cleaner and healthier ecosystem for over 50 per cent of the population in Patna
The project is scheduled to be delivered over a period of 24 months, while the existing plant is in operation
With little competition from listed entities, it stands out in water & waste management segments