Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday flagged off the country's fourth Vande Bharat Express train from Una railway station in Himachal Pradesh. The train will run between Amb Andaura in Himachal Pradesh to New Delhi. The new Vande Bharat train is an advanced version compared to the earlier ones, being much lighter and capable of reaching higher speed in shorter duration, officials said. The train will run six days a week except on Wednesdays, with stops at Ambala, Chandigarh, Anandpur Sahib, and Una. It accelerates to 100 km per hour in just 52 seconds. The introduction of the train will help boost tourism in the region and provide a comfortable and faster mode of travel. Earlier, the prime minister was welcomed by Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on his arrival at Pekhubela Helipad in Una. The prime minister will later address two public meetings in Una and Chamba districts after inaugurating and laying foundation stones of various projects in the two districts of the poll-bound
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to inaugurate the fourth Vande Bharat Express train in Himachal Pradesh's Una district on Thursday, officials said. The train will chug from Delhi to Amb Andaura Railway station in Una, they said on Wednesday. The train will run six days a week except on Wednesdays, with stops at Ambala, Chandigarh, Anandpur Sahib, and Una. Himachal Pradesh is going to polls later this year. Last month, Modi had flagged off the third Vande Bharat Express in another poll-bound state Gujarat. This train runs from Gandhinagar to Mumbai.
Is the Vande Bharat Express ahead of its time? How wind power fell behind solar in India? Will Indian bond markets succumb to global sell-off? What's pre-packaged insolvency resolution? Answers here
Prime Minister Narendra Modi flagged off the third Vande Bharat train on September 30. We ask today if our rail tracks and other infrastructure are ready for such a speed upgrade
Beyond the pit-stop measures of spare cones, the Indian Railways is also planning to put fences along the railway tracks on VB routes to avoid recent incidents
According to Indian Railways, the ticket fare of the Gandhinagar-Mumbai Vande Bharat will be Rs 1,440 for chair car and Rs 2,650 for executive coach
More than 370 passengers travelled on board the new upgraded Vande Bharat 2.0 train between Ahmedabad and Mumbai during its inaugural journey on Friday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi flagged off the semi-high speed train from Gandhinagar Capital railway station around 10.30 am. Among its first passengers were railway enthusiasts and YouTubers besides railway officials, security personnel and media persons. More than 370 persons travelled on the train between Ahmedabad and Mumbai, railway officials said. The booking had opened only a day before. The passengers were excited to be part of the train's inaugural run and clicked photos as well as shot videos on mobile phones during the journey. As the train streaked by, passengers at various stations along the route, railway employees working on the adjoining tracks and passers-by on the roads and people in the buildings along the tracks were also seen clicking pictures or shooting videos. Vacuum toilets like those seen at airports, ..
The Vande Bharat Superfast Express train which Prime Minister Narendra Modi would be flagging off on Friday morning will run six days a week between Mumbai Central and Gandhinagar stations, Western Railway said. In a late evening release on Thursday, it said that Vande Bharat Superfast Express will run six days a week except Sundays. The train will depart from Mumbai Central at 6.10 am and reach Gandhinagar at 12.30 pm. It will depart from Gandhinagar at 2.05 pm and arrive at Mumbai Central at 8.35 pm, the release said. It will halt at Surat, Vadodara and Ahmedabad stations in both directions. The train comprises AC Chair Car and Executive Chair Car compartments and will offer facilities such as sliding doors, personalized reading lights, mobile charging points, attendant call buttons, bio-toilets, automatic entry and exit doors, CCTV cameras, reclining facility and comfortable seats, the release said. The fare for Mumbai-Ahmedabad journey by executive chair car will be Rs 2,505
A railways official said on Thursday five 'Vande Bharat' trains have been allotted to the North Western Railway and they will arrive by September 2023. Captain Shashi Kiran, Chief Public Relations Officer, North Western Railway, said, "North Western Railway has been allotted five Vande Bharat trains which will reach North Western Railway by September 2023." He said the routes of these trains have not been finalised yet. Kiran said electrification and double-track works of some routes have been completed and as a result there has been a partial change in timings of trains. The arrival/departure of trains at different stations as per the new time table will be applicable from October 1, he told reporters at the North Western Railway headquarters here. Responding to a question on electrification of railway tracks, Kiran said the target of completion of electrification work on North Western Railway is by December 2023. Till now, work has been completed on 2,900-route kilometers, which
A new rake of Vande Bharat Express, a semi-high-speed train manufactured at Integral Coach Factory, Chennai, arrived in Chandigarh on Thursday for a trial run
A Railway official said that currently there are no other trains in the pipeline for Sattvik certification
According to him, all tests such as static, dynamic, oscillation and others will be carried out and added that ICF will be rolling out more such trains.
In a notification on July 15, the Indian Railway Board issued the price chart of various meals that will be offered to the passengers travelling by the premium trains
The railways will infuse more power on its network to make it ready for the high speed and more energy consuming 'Vande Bharat' trains, according to an order issued by the Railway Board
Over three million Indians have returned from abroad after the government launched the 'Vande Bharat' evacuation mission on May 7 in view of the coronavirus pandemic
The Integral Coach Factory (ICF) in Chennai has floated the tender and the date of opening of tenders will be November 11
This, in effect justifies the introduction of AC chair car trains like the Vande Bharat Express and the Tejas Express, which do not offer sleeper-class services, it has added
Minister hails the organisation for the Vande Bharat Express, India's first indigenously made semi-high-speed train
The Vande Bharat Express, also known as Train 18, boasts a host of features, including plastic-bottle crusher machines, a spacious pantry with a deep freezer, revolving seats and cattle guard
This is the second Vande Bharat Express, the first runs between Delhi and Varanasi