Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch a number of development initiatives, including multiple airport projects across the country worth over Rs 6,100 crore, during his visit to Varanasi on Sunday. PM Modi will lay the foundation stone for the expansion of airport runway and construction of a new terminal building and allied work of the Lal Bahadur Shastri International Airport, costing around Rs 2,870 crore. He will also inaugurate the RJ Sankara Eye Hospital in the holy town, the PMO in a statement said on Saturday. He will lay the foundation stone of a new civil enclave at the Agra airport worth more than Rs 570 crore, at Darbhanga airport worth around Rs 910 crore, and at Bagdogra airport worth around Rs 1,550 crore, it said. The prime minister will inaugurate new terminal buildings of airports in Rewa, Ambikapur, and Saharanpur being constructed at the cost of more than Rs 220 crore. The combined passenger handling capacity of these airports will increase to more than 2.3 cr
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to inaugurate and lay the foundation stone for projects worth Rs 1,300 crore in his parliamentary constituency on October 20, officials said here on Thursday. Multi-layer security arrangements are being put in place for the PM's visit during which he will also address two public gatherings. Dilip Patel, president of the BJP's Kashi region, said, "According to the tentative schedule, PM Modi will arrive at Babatpur Airport around 12:30 PM on October 20. From there, he will head to Shankara Nethralaya on Ring Road to inaugurate the hospital. He will inspect the facility and address around 1,000 attendees invited by the hospital trust." Following this, the PM will travel by road to the Sampurnanand Sports Stadium in Sigra, where he will inaugurate a sports complex. He is expected to launch and lay the foundation for several other projects during his visit. The PM will depart for Delhi around 6 PM after the events. Divisional Commissioner of Varanasi
Madhya Pradesh minister Prahlad Patel has said that the findings of ASI about Gyanvapi mosque will be accepted by the country and world, referring to the claim by the lawyer representing the Hindu litigants that the mosque was built after razing a temple. The MP minister of panchayat rural development and labour told reporters in Jabalpur that the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), which carried out a survey at the mosque on the Supreme Court's direction, is renowned not only in the country but across the world. If anyone does the work of looking at history through the prism of history, it is ASI. Hence, the country and the world will accept its facts. The ASI's report presented before the court will enhance everyone's knowledge, he said on Friday. Patel, who is a former Union minister for tourism and culture, said that ASI's retired officers go abroad for archaeological conservation and research work. ASI has an important contribution to the archaeology of the world, he ...
The Varanasi district court on Saturday gave 10 more days to the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) to submit its scientific survey report of the Gyanvapi mosque complex. The ASI was earlier given time till November 17 to submit the report but on Friday, its counsel sought 15 more days from the court. According to the counsel for the Hindu side Madan Mohan Yadav, the ASI sought more time due to non-availability of the technical report. While hearing the matter on Saturday, District Judge A K Vishvesh asked the ASI to submit its report by November 28. On November 2, the ASI had told the court it had "completed" the survey but may take some more time to compile the report, along with the details of the equipment used in the survey work. The court then granted additional time till November 17 for submitting the document. On October 5, the court had granted four more weeks to the ASI and said the duration of the survey would not be extended beyond this.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasised the stadium's pivotal role in fostering the growth of youth in Purvanchal, terming it a boon for the region
The work of Varanasi's facelift will be completed by March 31, in time for the five G20 events to be held here between April and August
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will gift a total of 33 projects worth Rs 595.31 crore to his parliamentary constituency Varanasi during his visit on Thursday
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday inaugurated and laid foundation stones of multiple development projects in Varanasi worth more than Rs 1,500 crore at the IIT-BHU ground
Change is resisted, and Varanasi is no exception. Many talk of how the city's cultural heritage is being ruined
The total cost of the Integrated Power Development Scheme in Varanasi is Rs 571 crore, of which 60% will come from central funds and the balance from the UP govt