Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar said on Tuesday that we should do away with the VIP culture, particularly in temples, as the very idea of VIP darshan militates against divinity. He also called upon the people to rise above the politics of disruption and help the country reach its objective of a developed India by 2047. "When precedence is accorded and priority is given to someone -- when we label it as VVIP or VIP -- this is belittling the concept of equality. VIP culture is an aberration. It is an incursion. When viewed on the anvil of equality, it should have no place in society, much less in religious places," said Dhankhar. The Vice President was launching the country's largest 'queue complex' at Sri Manjunatha Temple here. The facility is known as 'Shri Saanidhya'. While delivering his keynote address, Dhankhar criticised the tendency prevailing in today's political milieu, where people, instead of engaging in dialogue, disrupt democratic values. According to him, the politic
Imphal Airport Director S K Panigrahi told PTI over phone at Kolkata that three flights were delayed due to the visit of President Kovind to the state on Tuesday