A Chhattisgarh government employee allegedly drained out 41 lakh litres of water from a weir after his mobile phone fell into it in the state's Kanker district, an official said on Friday. The employee was suspended for the colossal waste of water in the peak of summer at Paralkot reservoir last weekend. The incident came to light on Friday, the official said. Food inspector Rajesh Vishwas, posted in Pakhanjore area of the district, had gone to the reservoir for an outing with his friends on May 21 when his mobile phone fell into a waste weir, a channel that carries away surplus water, while taking a selfie, the official said. Vishwas allegedly roped in villagers and got diesel pumps to empty the water from the weir till his mobile phone was retrieved on Thursday, he said. After the matter came to light, Kanker Collector Priyanka Shukla sought a report in this regard, following which the official was suspended, he said. The collector also issued a show-cause notice to the ...
The Central Water Commission (CWC) monitors the live storage status of 146 reservoirs in the country on a weekly basis
Govt agencies need better coordination
From the total reservoirs in the state, 99.7 per cent (96,767) are of public ownership type and the rest 0.3 per cent (295) are privately owned
Lake Powell, the second-largest reservoir in the US, has seen a slight rise in water level after hitting its lowest since the first filling in the 1960s
Levels below last year but higher than 10-year avg
The district administration officials told IANS that water could enter 50 to 75 houses by Tuesday evening and those residing in these places would be shifted to relief centres
While the water stock recorded on July 5 was 14.76 per cent, it has now risen to 74.82 per cent, the official said.
Overall water storage is around 9 per cent higher than same period last year
Govt data on 140 reservoirs shows 7.3 per cent higher levels than previous year
Erratic rains have impacted sowing of kharif crops and unless the monsoon revives quickly, it could have an impact on the final yields, particularly of the crops that were sown late
Karnataka Home Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Monday said the Mekedatu reservoir project across the Cauvery river will be implemented for sure
India too plans to construct a multipurpose reservoir in Arunachal Pradesh to offset its impact, a senior official of the Jal Shakti ministry said on Tuesday.
Medical facilities, vaccination of animals, tarpaulin sheets and food packets are being distributed
The water level in 91 major reservoirs in the country continued to be at 19 per cent of their total capacity for the second week in a row, the government said today.The Union water resources ministry said the reservoirs -- including the Nagarjuna Sagar, Indira Sagar and Bhakra dams -- contained 29.665 billion cubic metres (BCM) of water for the week ending today.The fresh water level is 126 per cent of the storage reported during the corresponding period last year and 91 per cent of the decadal average, the ministry said in a statement.Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Odisha, Uttarakhand, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu reported lesser storage vis- vis last year.Reservoirs in Himachal Pradesh have reported equal storage.Punjab, West Bengal, Tripura, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Telangana and Karnataka have recorded better storage.
37 reservoirs out of these 91 have hydropower benefit with installed capacity of more than 60 mw
As on December 8, the stock available in these reservoirs was 100.326 billion cubic metres
According to water resources ministry, 105.209 BCM of water was available in these reservoirs for the week ending on Nov 24
Good rains pushed sowing of Kharif crops to record highs with an almost 30% rise in acreage
The total capacity of these reservoirs is 157.799 BCM