Light-moderate rains or thundershowers are very likely to occur at isolated places in coastal Andhra Pradesh and Telangana for the next five days, MeT department said."An upper air cyclonic circulation lies over the west-central way of North Andhra Pradesh and South Odisha coast between 3.1 to 4.5 kilometres main sea level. Under its influence light moderate rains or thundershowers are very likely to occur at isolated places in Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Telangana for next five days," Raja Rao, Meteorologist, Met Department, Hyderabad told ANI."In Telangana, heat wave conditions are very likely to prevail in isolated places for next five days. Heat wave conditions are also likely to prevail in isolated places in South Coastal Andhra Pradesh on June 5, 6 and 7. Thunderstorms accompanied with gusty winds very likely to occur in Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Rayalaseema and Telangana today," he added.
There was no let up in heatwave conditions in large swathes of India on Monday, with Rajasthan's Churu remaining the hottest in the country as the mercury touched the 50-degree mark, the India Meteorological Department said. There was little change in temperature in Delhi with the Palam Observatory recording a high of 42.4 degrees Celsius. The national capital recorded a high of 42.5 degrees Celsius on Sunday. The city recorded a low of 29.4 degrees Celsius, while the humidity levels oscillated between 39 to 62 per cent. The national capital is likely to get some respite from the scorching heat on Tuesday. The IMD has predicted partly cloudy sky with chances of rain or thunderstorm accompanied by lightning and gusty winds. Churu, also known as the gateway to the Thar desert, remained the hottest place in the country for the third consecutive day with a maximum temperature of 50.3 degrees Celsius. In most cities of Rajasthan, maximum temperatures were four to eight notches above ...
Mercury continued its downward trend across the Jammu region after recording the season's highest on Friday, but heat wave conditions prevailed as the maximum temperature remained above the 40 degree-mark for the past one week. On Monday, the city recorded a high of 41.1 degrees Celsius which was 1.7 notches above the average for the season, a meteorological (MeT) department official said. The weatherman has forecast light rains with gusty winds on Monday evening, Tuesday and Wednesday in some areas of Jammu region. Friday was the hottest day of the season in Jammu so far, as the mercury cross the 44 degrees mark. The maximum temperature continued to fall after Friday with the highs of 43.6 degrees Celsius and 42.5 degrees Celsius recorded on Saturday and Sunday, respectively. Long power outages and searing heat conditions have left people of Jammu exasperated. Katra, the base camp for pilgrims to Vaishno Devi shrine in Reasi district, was the second hottest place in Jammu on Sunday ..
Heatwave conditions are likely to continue over Vidarbha and Marathwada regions of Maharashtra till June 7, the IMD warned Monday. There will be no respite for Madhya Maharashtra also as the region will experience heatwave Tuesday as well, said the regional office of the India Meteorological Department (IMD). It means, except the coastal Konkan region, entire Maharashtra will be in grip of heatwave, which essentially means maximum temperature of more than 40 degrees Celsius. Heatwave conditions are likely to prevail in isolated pockets of Vidarbha, Marathwada and Madhya Maharashtra, the IMD said. While the heatwave would continue till Friday in most parts of the state, the maximum temperature would rise further in western Vidarbha Thursday and Friday, it said. Meanwhile, Nagpur, the biggest city in Vidarbha, Monday recorded a maximum temperature of 47 degrees Celsius, the highest in the state, according to the IMD. Minimum temperature in the orange city stood at 29.7 ...
: A sudden and brief spell of rain here Monday evening brought respite to the people who have been experiencing scorching heat with temperatures soaring over 40 degrees Celsius during the past few days. Officials of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) cleared waterlogging in certain parts of the city. The India Meteorological Department officials said the sudden spell of rain was due to the 'upper air cyclonic circulation.' Thunderstorm accompanied by gusty winds of 30-40 kmph and lightning were very likely to occur at isolated places over Telangana on Monday, the Met department had earlier said. However, heatwave is likely to prevail in some parts during the next four days, the department said.
Most parts of Odisha, mainly the western region, experienced respite from the scorching heat after rains in several areas Monday. Sonepur in western Odisha was the hottest place in the state recording a maximum temperature of 41.2 degree celsius, while in the rest of the state it was less than 40 degrees, the meteorological centre here said. The rains in the state took place on Sunday and Monday. Talcher recorded 39.3 degree celsius, while the mercury stood at 38 degree in Sundargarh, the met centre said. The temperature in Titlagarh in western Odisha, which was the hottest place in the state on Sunday with 43.8 degree celsius, dropped to 31 degree on Monday. The slide in temperature followed rainfall in several areas including Bhawanipatna, Sonepur, Titlagarh, Bolangir, Angul, Sundargarh, Koraput, Paradip, Chandbali and Gopalpur. Capital Bhubaneswar recorded 35 degree celsius, down from 36 degree on Sunday. However, high relative humidity of 94 per cent made the weather .
Heatwave conditions abated in Delhi on Monday, but high humidity added to the discomfort of the people. The maximum temperature was 40.6 degrees Celsius, normal for this time of the year, and the minimum was 29.4 degrees Celsius. Humidity levels oscillated between 39 and 62 per cent, a Met official said. The dip in the mercury can be attributed to the easterly winds that travelled to the Delhi-NCR region from the Bay of Bengal via Uttar Pradesh, said Kuldeep Srivastava, the India Meteorological Department's regional weather forecasting chief. Though the temperatures have become normal, high humidity has added to the woes of the people, Srivastava said. The department has predicted cloudy skies on Tuesday, with the possibility of light rain/thunderstorm and winds gusting up to 40 kilometres per hour. The maximum and minimum temperatures are likely to hover around 41 and 30 degrees Celsius, respectively. A heatwave is declared when the maximum temperature is 45 degrees Celsius for two ..
Heatwave conditions affected normal life in most parts of Rajasthan, with Churu at 50.3 degrees Celsius being the hottest place in the country for the third consecutive day. In most cities of the state, maximum temperatures were recorded four to eight notches above normal, whereas the low was above three to five degrees above normal, a MeT department official said. Churu is followed by Sriganganagar at 48.8 degrees Celsius, Bikaner 48.4 degrees Celsius, Kota 47.4 degrees Celsius, Jaisalmer 47 degrees Celsius, Barmer 46.6 degrees Celsius, Jaipur 45.8 degrees Celsius, Ajmer 45.5 degrees Celsius, Jodhpur 45.4 degrees Celsius, Dabok 44.8 degree Celsius. The meteorological department has predicted severe heat wave in east and west Rajasthan for the next two days.
Haryana's Narnaul town recorded a maximum temperature of 47.2 degrees Celsius on Monday as heatwave conditions persisted in most parts of the state and Punjab. The temperature in Narnaul was five degrees above normal, the meteorological department said. Among other places in Haryana, Hisar sweltered at a high of 45 degrees Celsius, three notches above normal. However, people in Karnal and Ambala got a respite from the heatwave conditions as the maximum temperatures dropped to 36 degrees and 38.4 degrees Celsius, respectively. Chandigarh recorded a near normal maximum temperature of 39 degrees Celsius, close to the normal limits. In Punjab, Amritsar braved a hot day at 42.2 degrees Celsius, two notches above normal, while Ludhiana recorded a maximum of 40.5 degrees Celsius. Patiala's maximum temperature settled at 39.2 degress Celsius. As per the meteorological department forecast, many places in the two states could get respite from the ongoing heat wave conditions over the next few ..
Several areas in Odisha are likely to see light to moderate rainfall in the next 24 hours, Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) said on Monday."In the next 24 hours, many parts of Odisha will witness light to moderate rainfall. Some areas will see heavy rainfall as well. Districts like Koraput, Ganjam, Gajapati, Keonjhar districts will see heavy rainfall. There are chances of thunderstorms, lightning in the coastal districts," HR Biswas, Director, Meteorological Department said while talking to ANI.These are pre-monsoon thunderstorms. Biswas also said that rainfall will increase in Odisha after June 6 and that there are no chances of the heat wave in the region."Temperature has gone down. Now, there is no chance of heat wave," he said.Biswas said that the arrival of Monsoon will be delayed in Odisha by five-six days."Monsoon will arrive in Kerala on June 7 as we have been saying it since May 15. Its advance in Odisha will depend on its strength. Its arrival in Odisha is likely to be
The monsoon, which brings down the heat, is likely to begin on the southern coast on June 6, the weather office said last month
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Monday said that there will be no relief to the people from the heatwave conditions in the northwest, central and adjoining peninsular India for two days."Heatwave to severe heat wave conditions to prevail over the northwest, central and adjoining peninsular India, today and tomorrow," the IMD said.The weather agency has already issued a "red alert" for Haryana, Chandigarh, Rajasthan, Punjab and Delhi, in the wake of the scorching heatwave conditions that has gripped large parts of the country.A heat wave is usually declared when the maximum temperature remains above 45 degrees Celsius for two consecutive days.The heat wave is making life difficult for the people especially those who have to commute under the hot sun. The locals are beating the intense summer heat by drinking cold beverages and having fruits.On Sunday, Churu in Rajasthan sizzled at 48.9 degrees Celsius, which is the highest maximum temperature recorded in the country.The ...
Northern India will continue to sizzle in the heatwave conditions for the next two days till Wednesday, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) forecast on Monday.
Heatwave conditions are likely to continue over north Indian plains, central and south India for two more days and abate gradually, the IMD said Sunday. "Due to easterly winds at lower levels over northern parts of the country, the severity of the heatwave is very likely to decrease over Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh and Delhi and Uttar Pradesh from today (Sunday) onwards," it said. Severe heatwave conditions are likely to persist over Madhya Pradesh and west Rajasthan on Monday, the IMD said with a red-coded colour warning for these two states. The IMD has four colour codes to indicate the severity weather systems red for extremely severe weather conditions, followed by amber, yellow and then green which denotes normalcy. It also has an amber-coded warning for east Rajasthan and Vidarbha in Maharashtra and a yellow-colour coded warning for Marathwada, Surat and Kutch, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana and Delhi for Monday. Large parts of the country
Some parts of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra experienced a heatwave in the last 24 hours while there was rain in isolated places, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said Sunday. There could be a severe heatwave in some parts of Vidarbha on Wednesday and Thursday, while both Vidarbha and Marathwada (central Maharashtra) regions will experience a heatwave Monday, it said. Wardha in Vidarbha recorded the maximum temperature in the state at 45.5 degree Celsius Sunday. Solapur recorded a maximum temperature of 41 degree Celsius, Jalgaon 43, Aurangabad 40.7, Parbhani 43.6, Nanded 42.5, Akola 44.2, Amravati 44.8, Buldhana 44.2, Chandrapur 42.6, Nagpur 43.8, Yavatmal 42.5 and Gondia 40.4. There was a noticeable increase in average maximum temperatures in parts of Central Maharashtra, IMD said. It also predicted possibility of rainfall in few places in Goa and Maharashtra on June 6 .
Several parts of the country reeled under heatwave conditions that claimed one life in Rajasthan where Churu recorded a high of almost 49 degrees Celsius Sunday, with the IMD saying there will be no respite for the next two days. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) said heatwave conditions are likely to continue over the northern plains, and central and southern parts of the country for two more days and abate gradually. "Due to easterly winds at lower levels over northern parts of the country, the severity of the heatwave is very likely to decrease over Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh today (Sunday) onwards," it said. However, severe heatwave conditions are likely to persist over Madhya Pradesh and west Rajasthan on Monday, the IMD said. If the maximum temperature of a weather station in the plains crosses 45 degrees Celsius for two consecutive days, it is termed heatwave. And if the temperature breaches 47 degrees Celsius for two days, it is termed severe .
Himachal Pradesh got some respite from the heat wave Sunday with light showers in some parts bringing down the maximum temperatures by two to three notches, the Meteorological Department (MeT) said. The weatherman also predicted more rain in the coming week. Light rains were witnessed in some parts of the state from Saturday evening, including Dharamshala (15 mm), capital Shimla (5 mm), Bhuntar (0.4 mm) and Sundernagar (0.1 mm), the Met said. Una recorded the highest temperature at 42.6 degrees Celsius, Shimla MeT Centre Director Manmohan Singh said. Among other places in the state, the maximum temperature in Bilaspur was 41 degrees Celsius, followed by Mandi at 39.2 degrees Celsius, Singh said. Hamirpur recorded a maximum temperature of 39.1 degrees Celsius, while Sundernagar and Kangra saw the mercury rise to 38.2 degrees Celsius and 38 degrees Celsius respectively. Both Nahan and Bhuntar recorded a high of 35.8 degrees Celsius, he said. Chamba recorded a maximum temperature at 35 ..
The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) on Sunday predicted a decrease in the severity of heat wave, which has gripped most of the northern states including Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Union Territory of Chandigarh and the city-state of Delhi.In a tweet, IMD said: "Due to easterly winds at lower levels in our northern parts of the country, the severity of the heat wave is very likely to decrease over Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, and Delhi and Uttar Pradesh from today onwards."In another tweet, the IMD said: "The current week El Nino conditions over Pacific are likely to continue during the monsoon season with some possibility of these conditions to turn to neutral ENSO conditions during the latter part of the monsoon season."El Nino weather conditions persist throughout the monsoon season over the Pacific. Possibly due to this weather change, the El Nino-Southern Oscillation's (ENSO) conditions are likely to get neutral, later in the monsoon season.ENSO is a ...
Intense heat continued to paralyse normal life in Rajasthan where a farmer died of sunstroke Sunday, as Churu remained the hottest place after recording a maximum of 48.9 degrees Celsius. Hanuman Jat (45), a farmer, fainted in his farm at Necchwa in Sikar district. He was rushed to a hospital where he was declared brought dead, a police official said. "The cause of the death was heatstroke," he said. Ganganagar, Bikaner, Jaisalmer, Kota and Barmer in the state recorded a high of 48.6 degrees, 48.1 degrees, 47.8 degrees, 47.5 degrees and 47.2 degrees Celsius, respectively, the MeT department said. Jodhpur, Jaipur and Ajmer registered maximum temperature of 46.4 degrees, 45.5 degrees and 45.2 degrees Celsius, respectively, it said. The weatherman said severe heat wave conditions prevailed at isolated places in western Rajasthan. The MeT has predicted no respite from the severe heat conditions in the desert state in the next 48 hours.
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana continued to reel under severe heatwave conditions with the mercury crossing the 45 degree celsius mark in a few places. In Andhra Pradesh, towns in Nellore, Guntur and Prakasam districts recorded maximum temperature of 45 degree celsius plus. The state Real-Time Governance Centre Sunday said the heat wave conditions with temperatures touching upto 45 degrees would continue for the next four days. At many places across the state, temperatures in excess of 40 degrees have been recorded Sunday. Maximum temperatures are very likely to be in the range of 44 degree celsius at few places in East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Prakasham districts. In Telangana, Adilabad district recorded the highest maximum temperature of 45.3 degree Celsius even as the Indian Meterological department issued heatwave warning at isolated pockets on June 5 and 6. Thunderstorms accompanied by gusty winds (40 to 50 kmph) and lightning are very likely to ...