The Union government on Tuesday said discussions were in progress with the Westinghouse Electric Company of the US for a viable project proposal to build six 1000-MW nuclear reactors at Kovvada in Andhra Pradesh. In a written reply in Lok Sabha, Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) Jitendra Singh, said the land for the main plant area for Kovvada Nuclear Power Plant of 2079.66 acres has been acquired and mutated in the name of Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL). Singh said 190.7 acres of land has been acquired for an R&R (rehabilitation and resettlement) colony and land for the employees' township has been identified by district administration. The minister said pre-project activities such as preliminary geotechnical investigations, and geological and seismo-tectonic studies have been completed. The construction of a 13-km boundary wall, the establishment of six micro earthquake stations and the establishment of one meteorological monitoring lab ..
The agreement will lay out timelines and the lead local constructor for the reactors to be built at Kovvada in southern India and also address lingering concerns over India's nuclear liability law
Westinghouse said their competition would be with Philips and Morphy Richards
Westinghouse Electric Company is a US unit of Japan's Toshiba Corporation
The company would only provide reactors for the six AP1000 units to be built in Andhra Pradesh
Six AP1000 reactors would be built in the state