WhatsApp on Wednesday announced two new features to make it easier for people to know whats available and for entrepreneurs to quickly sell their products on WhatsApp for Business
The instant messaging platform has been offfering clarificaions on how it collects and shares data and that its new privacy policy only concerns accounts that communicate to business accounts
The delay is a setback for WhatsApp's plan to generate revenue by facilitating commercial exchanges on the messaging app, which Facebook acquired for $19 billion in 2014 but has been slow to monetize
Listen to the podcast to know that if you tap on 'agree' for WhatsApp's new privacy policy, what exactly you are signing up for?
Users must agree to the changes, or they won't be able to use WhatsApp
A shopping button will be added on WhatsApp which will be rolled out in India soon
In July, WhatsApp had said there are more than 15 million WhatsApp Business app users every month in India and 50 million globally
The animated stickers are available for users of both Android and iOS platforms along with the desktop version
WhatsApp Business, which has seen a phenomenal rise in customers the past few months, now has more than 15 million users every month, compared to 1 million last year
With big brands testing out their business interface, the social messaging app seeks leverage for the vast cache of conversations on its platform
Catalog is a mobile storefront for businesses to display and share goods or products they are selling, for people to easily browse and discover
A Business account with a green checkmark badge in its profile is verified as an authentic brand
The new standalone app would charge businesses in future, the Wall Street Journal said